
Active development of the Drupal module elasticsearch_helper.

Primary LanguagePHP

Elasticsearch Helper


System requirements


The module requires Elasticsearch-PHP library to communicate with Elasticsearch server. Please make sure you install the version of the library compatible with the version of the server (see the compatibility matrix).

To install the library for use with Elasticsearch 6.x:

composer require elasticsearch/elasticsearch:~6.0

To install the library for use with Elasticsearch 7.x:

composer require elasticsearch/elasticsearch:~7.0

Drush commands

drush elasticsearch-helper-list
drush elasticsearch-helper-setup   [index1[,index2,...]]
drush elasticsearch-helper-drop    [index1[,index2,...]]
drush elasticsearch-helper-reindex [index1[,index2,...]]
drush queue-run elasticsearch_helper_indexing


Explicitly SETUP INDICES as the very first step before any indexing. Only this way you get properly set up their mappings and details. Otherwise, implicit mappings are created by Elasticsearch itself which will not have the fine-tuned field configuration (e.g. for language specific analysis like stemming). Once an index is created, it will be ignored by the Elasticsearch Helper setup command and stay the way it is.

Use the following command before any indexing:

drush elasticsearch-helper-setup