
bottle template for a linktree

Primary LanguagePython


bottle template for a linktree


Before you can use the bottle server make sure you install the dependencies (into a venv named venv_bottle ) with pip and copy the template user data file*:

python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 venv_bottle
source venv_bottle/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp userdata.py.template userdata.py
  • some commands can vary on your system (e.g. pip/pip3)

Furthmore you have to add your own profile picture at static/me.jpg and add your informations into the userdata.py file. You can leave the information empty if you do not need them (e.g. if you do not have facebook).


  • sname stands for shortname or your nickname.
  • the *shebang for the gentoken.py file is python (not python3), this might lead to errors on your systems.


! The template for the linktree website is from this repository and only slightly modified.