dotfiles is a tool to build my home directory. This tool will do the following.
- Change MacOS settings
- Install Homebrew & Homebrew package
- Apply dotfiles to home directory
Execute following command for setup. Files in this repository will be installed in home directory.
to your computer.curl -O ""
, then input your MacOS password, Github username and password.dotfiles % ./ PASSWORD: xxxxxx
Install xcode-select
xcode-select --install
Set up
Generate new key-pair or place files to
to authenticate GitHub. -
If key generated, register it to the GitHub.
Set up Homebrew
Install Homebrew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install package
while read line; do yes | brew install $line; done < ./brew.lst while read line; do yes | brew install $line; done < ./brewcask.lst
ghq get -p https://$REPO
ghq get -p
pyenv install ${python-version}
pyenv virtualenv ${python-version} neovim-python3
pyenv activate neovim-python3
pip install neovim
pyenv deactivate
Avobe command expect below definition in .config/nvim/init.vim
let g:python3_host_prog = $PYENV_ROOT.'/versions/neovim-python3/bin/python'