
Mayactl is a plugin for kubectl. It allows users to fetch details of their OpenEBS storage components.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository is a WIP for the creation of a command line tool plugin for kubectl

Instructions to build

  • clone/download this repo to you system
  • run make openebsctl
  • use the command kubectl openebs <storage engine> [command] to use the plugin !


commands that have been implemented currently & sample outputs:

  • kubectl openebs cStor volume list
Namespace  Name                                      Status   Version     Capacity  StorageClass          Attached  Access Mode      Attached Node
---------  ----                                      ------   -------     --------  ------------          --------  -----------      -------------
openebs    pvc-cb978ab8-9045-4d40-abc5-98dfd4fd82fb  Healthy  master-dev  5Gi       cstor.csi.openebs.io  Attached  ReadWriteOnce    vanisingh
openebs    pvc-e20c1212-1ef6-42c4-9638-0145fa3fb4f9  Healthy  master-dev  5Gi       N/A                   N/A                        N/A
  • kubectl openebs cStor volume describe --volname pvc-cbe030cb-63ca-4dfd-ba57-7719a8c93fb2
Volume Details :
Name            : pvc-cbe030cb-63ca-4dfd-ba57-7719a8c93fb2
Access Mode     : ReadWriteOnce
CSI Driver      : cstor.csi.openebs.io
Storage Class   : openebs-csi-cstor-sparse
Volume Phase    : Bound
Version         : master-dev
CSPC            : cspc-stripe
Size            : 5Gi
Status          : Healthy
ReplicaCount	: 1

Portal Details :
IQN             :  iqn.2016-09.com.openebs.cstor:pvc-cbe030cb-63ca-4dfd-ba57-7719a8c93fb2
Volume          :  pvc-cbe030cb-63ca-4dfd-ba57-7719a8c93fb2
TargetNodeName  :  vanisingh
Portal          :
TargetIP        :

Replica Details :
Name                                                        Pool Instance     Status
----                                                        -------------     ------
pvc-cbe030cb-63ca-4dfd-ba57-7719a8c93fb2-cspc-stripe-56pv   cspc-stripe-56pv  Healthy

  • kubectl openebsctl cStor volume stats --volname <pv-name>

	// volume stats needed :
	// * volume stats
	//		- ReadIOPS
	//		- WriteIOPS
	//		- ReadThroughput
	//		- WriteThroughput
	//		- ReadLatency
	//		- WriteLatency
	// Can we use inflight Read & Write Instead ?

	// as is from ReplicaStatus:
	//		- Quorum
	//		- CheckpointedIOSeq

	// * Capacity
	//		- LogicalSize / UsedSized
	//			`CStorVolumeReplicaStatus -> Capacity Details`

	// Maybe: ConsistencyFactor