KarmaNet: DNS-based-DDoS Simulation-and-Containment using SDN

DNS-based DDoS attack simulation and solution using SDN flow monitoring

This repository is created to support the publication at this link.

This repository uses many simple tools to:

  1. Simulate a Domain-Name-Server
  2. Simulate a DDoS attack using one adversary node
  3. Contain its adverse effect on network resources

All files in the repository are commented wherever necessary.

Description of Files:

  1. dns.py: Contains the script to run the Domain Name Server at
  2. client.py: Contains the script to run the client nodes  3. adversary.py: Contains the script to run the adversary at a node and start the DDoS.
  3. topo.py: This file runs the network and starts the simulation.
  4. sec_switch.py: This is a Ryu based SDN controller, with the KarmaNet solution in it.
  5. simple_switch.py: This is a simple Ryu based SDN controller, which already comes with the Ryu package. It works through normal L2 switching.
  6. topologies: This folder contains topologies made in miniedit.py
  7. run.sh: bash script to run the complete simulation