is a free and open source video conference solution built with love and designed with ethics in mind. It's the best way to initiate a communication anywhere with anybody and brings real time conversation to the next level. allows free communication without additional plugins.
clone the repository
git clone --recursive
Install and configure MongoDB
You must install mongoDB. We suggest you to use mongoDB version 2.6.5.
echo 'deb dist 10gen' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list
apt-get install -y mongodb-org=2.6.5 mongodb-org-server=2.6.5 mongodb-org-shell=2.6.5 mongodb-org-mongos=2.6.5 mongodb-org-tools=2.6.5
service mongod start
- install node.js
We are currently using Node 6. It is highly recommended that you use nvm to install a specific version of node.
Install Redis
apt-get install redis-server
Copy the sample db.json configuration file and adapt it to your need (especially the mongodb URL if you do not use default parameters from step 2)
cp config/db.json.sample config/db.json
Install the npm dependencies (as an administrator)
npm install -g mocha grunt-cli bower karma-cli
Go into the modules directory and install easyrtc connector module dependecies
cd modules/hublin-easyrtc-connector npm install
Go into the project directory and install project dependencies
cd meetings npm install
You can check that everything works by launching the test suite:
If you want to launch tests from a single test, you can specify the file as command line argument. For example, you can launch the backend tests on the test/unit-backend/webserver/index.js file like this:
grunt test-unit-backend --test=test/unit-backend/webserver/index.js
Note: This works for backend and midway tests.
Some specialized Grunt tasks are available :
grunt linters # launch hinter and linter against the codebase
grunt test-frontend # only run the fontend unit tests
grunt test-unit-backend # only run the unit backend tests
grunt test-midway-bakend # only run the midway backend tests
grunt test # launch all the testsuite
Fixtures can be configured in the fixtures folder and injected in the system using grunt:
grunt fixtures
Note that this will override all the current configuration resources with the fixtures ones.
Starting the server
Use npm start to start the server !
npm start
Develop into
Running grunt dev
will start the server in development mode. Whenever you
make changes to server files, the server will be restarted. Make sure you have
started the mongodb and redis servers beforehand.
In addition, you can run grunt debug
to start the node-inspector debugger
server. Visit the displayed URL in Chrome or Opera to start the graphical
debugging session. Note that startup takes a while, you must wait until the
webserver starts to do anything meaningful.
Updating files for distribution
grunt plugins are used to process files and generate distribution. You will have to follow some rules to not break the distribution generation which are defined here.
Any project frontend file which is under frontend/js and used in a web page must be placed between generator tags. For example, in frontend/views/meetings/index.jade:
// <!--build:js({.tmp,frontend}) meetings.js-->
// <!--endbuild-->
The files placed between the two comment lines will be used to generate a meetings.js file (concatenate and minify all).
All the files from backend are copied into the dist/backend folder without any change.
Static files
These folders are pushed in the distribution:
- config
- templates
If you need to add more, you will have to change the 'copy:dist' and 'dist-files' tasks in Gruntfile.js
Create a distribution
To create a distribution with clean environment, minified files and install production dependencies:
grunt dist-all
cd dist
npm install --production
Then you can start the server with 'npm start', 'node server', or your favorite tool (Kudos to forever).
Docker is available on the Docker Hub as linagora/hublin, so you can pull it from there:
docker pull linagora/hublin
Or you can build it from the current git repository
docker build -t linagora/hublin .
The linagora/hublin container is configured to get the mongodb connection from mongodb://db:27017 URL. You can modify the config/db.json file and adapt to use your own instance, or continue to use Docker and use one of the solutions below.
docker-compose allows to describe and run distributed applications (cf docker-compose.yml file).
Note: A docker-compose based image is available on the Docker Hub at linagora/hublin-all.
docker-compose up
docker-compose build
docker containers
You can pull all the required containers by hand (mongodb, redis), start them, and create the links when starting
# get mongo and start it as a container named 'db'
docker pull mongo
docker run -d --name db mongo
docker pull redis
docker run -d --name redis redis
# start
docker run -p 8080:8080 --link db:db --link redis:redis linagora/hublin
Once started, is available on http://<DOCKER_HOST>:8080.
Note: If you are on OS X and/or use boot2docker, DOCKER_HOST value will be the result of the 'boot2docker ip' call.
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