
Kubernetes controller for synchronizing secrets & config maps across namespaces

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ConfigMap, Secret and Role, RoleBinding and ServiceAccount replication for Kubernetes

Build Status

This repository contains a custom Kubernetes controller that can be used to make secrets and config maps available in multiple namespaces.


  1. Deployment
    1. Using Helm
    2. Manual
  2. Usage
    1. "Role and RoleBinding replication
    2. "Push-based" replication
    3. "Pull-based" replication
      1. 1. Create the source secret
      2. 2. Create empty secret
      3. Special case: TLS secrets


Using Helm

  1. Add the Mittwald Helm Repo:

    $ helm repo add mittwald https://helm.mittwald.de
    "mittwald" has been added to your repositories
    $ helm repo update
    Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
    ...Successfully got an update from the "mittwald" chart repository
    Update Complete. ⎈ Happy Helming!⎈
  2. Upgrade or install kubernetes-replicator helm upgrade --install kubernetes-replicator mittwald/kubernetes-replicator


$ # Create roles and service accounts
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mittwald/kubernetes-replicator/master/deploy/rbac.yaml
$ # Create actual deployment
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mittwald/kubernetes-replicator/master/deploy/deployment.yaml


Role and RoleBinding replication

To create a new role, your own account needs to have at least the same set of privileges as the role you're trying to create. The chart currently offers two options to grant these permissions to the service account used by the replicator:

  • Set the value grantClusterAdminto true, which grants the service account admin privileges. This is set to false by default, as having a service account with that level of access might be undesirable due to the potential security risks attached.

  • Set the lists of needed api groups and resources explicitly. These can be specified using the value privileges. privileges is a list that contains pairs of api group and resource lists.


      create: true
      annotations: {}
        - apiGroups: [ "", "apps", "extensions" ]
          resources: ["secrets", "configmaps", "roles", "rolebindings",
          "cronjobs", "deployments", "events", "ingresses", "jobs", "pods", "pods/attach", "pods/exec", "pods/log", "pods/portforward", "services"]
        - apiGroups: [ "batch" ]
          resources:  ["configmaps", "cronjobs", "deployments", "events", "ingresses", "jobs", "pods", "pods/attach", "pods/exec", "pods/log", "pods/portforward", "services"]

    These settings permit the replication of Roles and RoleBindings with privileges for the api groups "". apps, batch and extensions on the resources specified.

"Push-based" replication

Push-based replication will "push out" the secrets, configmaps, roles and rolebindings into namespaces when new namespaces are created or when the secret/configmap/roles/rolebindings changes.

There are two general methods for push-based replication:

  • name-based; this allows you to either specify your target namespaces by name or by regular expression (which should match the namespace name). To use name-based push replication, add a replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replicate-to annotation to your secret, role(binding) or configmap. The value of this annotation should contain a comma separated list of permitted namespaces or regular expressions. (Example: namespace-1,my-ns-2,app-ns-[0-9]* will replicate only into the namespaces namespace-1 and my-ns-2 as well as any namespace that matches the regular expression app-ns-[0-9]*).


    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
        replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replicate-to: "my-ns-1,namespace-[0-9]*"
      key1: <value>
  • label-based; this allows you to specify a label selector that a namespace should match in order for a secret, role(binding) or configmap to be replicated. To use label-based push replication, add a replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replicate-to-matching annotation to the object you want to replicate. The value of this annotation should contain an arbitrary label selector.


    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
        replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replicate-to-matching: >
          my-label=value,my-other-label,my-other-label notin (foo,bar)
      key1: <value>

When the labels of a namespace are changed, any resources that were replicated by labels into the namespace and no longer qualify for replication under the new set of labels will be deleted. Afterwards any resources that now match the updated labels will be replicated into the namespace.

It is possible to use both methods of push-based replication together in a single resource, by specifying both annotations.

"Pull-based" replication

Pull-based replication makes it possible to create a secret/configmap/role/rolebindings and select a "source" resource from which the data is replicated from.

Step 1: Create the source secret

If a secret or configMap needs to be replicated to other namespaces, annotations should be added in that object permitting replication.

  • Add replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replication-allowed annotation with value true indicating that the object can be replicated.

  • Add replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replication-allowed-namespaces annotation. Value of this annotation should contain a comma separated list of permitted namespaces or regular expressions. For example namespace-1,my-ns-2,app-ns-[0-9]*: in this case replication will be performed only into the namespaces namespace-1 and my-ns-2 as well as any namespace that matches the regular expression app-ns-[0-9]*.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
        replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replication-allowed: "true"
        replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replication-allowed-namespaces: "my-ns-1,namespace-[0-9]*"
      key1: <value>

Step 2: Create an empty destination secret

Add the annotation replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replicate-from to any Kubernetes secret or config map object. The value of that annotation should contain the the name of another secret or config map (using <namespace>/<name> notation).

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: secret-replica
    replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replicate-from: default/some-secret
data: {}

The replicator will then copy the data attribute of the referenced object into the annotated object and keep them in sync.

Special case: TLS secrets

Secrets of type kubernetes.io/tls are treated in a special way and need to have a data["tls.crt"] and a data["tls.key"] property to begin with. In the replicated secrets, these properties need to be present to begin with, but they may be empty:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tls-secret-replica
    replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replicate-from: default/some-tls-secret
type: kubernetes.io/tls
  tls.key: ""
  tls.crt: ""

Special case: Docker registry credentials

Secrets of type kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson also require special treatment. These secrets require to have a .dockerconfigjson key that needs to require valid JSON. For this reason, a replicated secret of this type should be created as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: docker-secret-replica
    replicator.v1.mittwald.de/replicate-from: default/some-docker-secret
type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
  .dockerconfigjson: e30K

Special case: Strip labels while replicate the resources.

Operators like https://github.com/strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator implement an own garbage collection based on specific labels defined on resources. If mittwald replicator replicate secrets to different namespace, the strimzi-kafka-operator will remove the replicated secrets because from operators point of view the secret is a left-over. To mitigate the issue, set the annotation replicator.v1.mittwald.de/strip-labels=true to remove all labels on the replicated resource.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: "strimzi-kafka-operator"
  name: cluster-ca-certs
    replicator.v1.mittwald.de/strip-labels: "true"
type: kubernetes.io/tls
  tls.key: ""
  tls.crt: ""

Special case: Resource with .metadata.ownerReferences

Sometimes, secrets are generated by external components. Such secrets are configured with an ownerReference. By default, the kubernetes-replicator will delete the ownerReference in the target namespace.

ownerReference won't work across different namespaces and the secret at the destination will be removed by the kubernetes garbage collection.

To keep ownerReferences at the destination, set the annotation replicator.v1.mittwald.de/keep-owner-references=true

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: docker-secret-replica
    replicator.v1.mittwald.de/keep-owner-references: "true"
    - apiVersion: v1
      kind: Deployment
      name: owner
      uid: "1234"
type: kubernetes.io/tls
  tls.key: ""
  tls.crt: ""

See also: #120