Project for Getting and Cleaning Data Course
This repository is for the project for Coursera course - Getting and Cleaning Data. It contains R script for the project - run_analysis.R and code book -
Project is to use data collected from the accelerometers from the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone and prepare tidy data set as per the requirement. Data for the project is available at -
- Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set.
- Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.
- Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set
- Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names.
- Creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.
- Data file is already downloaded and extracted. If not, script will download it and extract it.
- User running the script has required permission to create directories and files in working directory.
- Library plyr is installed
dataDir: directory where data is downloaded. Default value - "UCI HAR Dataset"
downloadLocation: location to download the data from, default value - ""
tempFilename: temp file to use, defualut value - ""
trainDir: directory for training data, default value - dataDir/train
testDir: directory for test data, default value - dataDirtest
allDataDir: directory to store merged data, default value - dataDir/all
tidyDataDir: directory to store final tidy data, default value - dataDir/tidy
featuresFile: file containing feature list, default value - dataDir/features.txt
activityLablesFile: file containing activity values, default value - dataDir/activity_labels.txt
- Merged dataset in allDataDir
- Tidy dataset in tidyDataDir
Steps invloved
- Scripts check for the data directory. If this folder is does not exists, it downloads the file and extracts the data.
- It reads the data file from test and train directory, namely X_(train|test).txt, Y_(train|test).txt and subject_(train|test).txt. It then merges this file and write the resulted file in all data directory.
- Script reads the features file, and select the features with words - "mean" or "std" in it. From the merged data sets it filters only the selected column and write the file in tidy data folder.
- Script reads the activity file. It merges the activity detail with Y_all file data. And writes the result in tidy data set folder.
- Script uses ddply function to generate dataset for average of each variable for each activity and each subject. It then writes the result back to tidy data folder, in the file named 'summary_tidy.txt'