The project is a simple implementation of the Linux/Unix Shell with the help of C System Calls. The C Programming Language is used to implement the functionalities. The baisc commands imlemented are as follows: 1. checkcpupercentage <pid> 2. checkresidentmemory <pid> 3. listFiles 4. sortFile [file] 5. exit 6. cat [filename] 7. grep [string] 8. executeCommands commandsFile.txt The shell supports the I/O Redirection on both STDIN and STDOUT, and Pipe(between two commands) functionalites. It can handle Unix Signals: SIGINT and SIGTERM.Two commands can be run parallel too with the syntax as COMMAND1 ; COMMAND2. The directory cotains a file called Tested_Ins.txt which indicates the vaious types and combinations of commands tested and produced the expected output successfully. To run this code simply run the makefile present in the directory. If unable to run, then the commands mentioned below can be run in the shell: $ gcc myShell.c -o a( or $ clang myShell.c -o a) $ ./a The make file has three sections namely all, exec and clean. To run the program using makefile follow the steps below. 1. To compile enter the command {$ make or $ make all} 2. To run the code enter the command {$ make exec } 3. To clean the object files run the command { $ make clean }