
GitHub repositories for Machine Learning Server

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Microsoft Machine Learning Server Samples and Solutions

Microsoft Machine Learning Server supports R and Python deployments on Windows servers, with expansion to other supported platforms planned for late 2017.

Microsoft Machine Learning Services brings the compute to the data by allowing R to run on the same computer as the database. It includes the Trusted Launchpad service, which runs outside the SQL Server process and communicates securely with the R or Python runtime.

Use the MSDN Forum Microsoft Machine Learning Server for questions about ML Server.


The following repositories contain sample code for you to try.

Repository Description
Microsoft/SQL-Server-R-Services-Samples R Samples
Microsoft/SQL-Server-Python-Samples Python Samples
Microsoft/microsoft-r Operationalization and the MicrosoftML package


These repositories are used in deployments from Azure AI Gallery and/or Microsoft AppSource. They may contain multiple languages and/or platform code.

Solution Documentation Repository Azure AI Gallery Languages
Campaign Optimization Website GitHub SQL Server, HDInsight Spark Cluster R
Predicting Hospital Length of Stay Website GitHub SQL Server R, Python
Loan Credit Risk Website GitHub SQL Server, HDInsight Spark Cluster R
Loan ChargeOff Prediction Website GitHub SQL Server, HDInsight Spark Cluster R
Fraud Detection Website GitHub SQL Server, HDInsight Spark Cluster R
Text Classification Website GitHub SQL Server R, Python
Image Similarity Website GitHub SQL Server Python


Please create a pull request if you have a repository you'd like to add to this list.

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