
Проект пищевого помощника, призванного облегчить приготовление блюд и составления покупок.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Foodram is a social platform for food enthusiasts to share their culinary experiences, discover new recipes, and connect with like-minded individuals. Whether you're a home cook or a professional chef, Foodram provides a space to showcase your culinary creations and explore a world of delicious possibilities.

Used libraries:


  • Recipe Sharing: Share your favorite recipes with the community. Include detailed instructions, ingredients, and mouthwatering images.

  • Follow Users: Connect with other food lovers by following their profiles. Stay updated on their latest culinary creations.

  • Favorite Recipes: Save your favorite recipes to easily access them later. Build a personalized collection of go-to dishes.

  • Download Ingredient Lists: Need to shop for ingredients? Download the ingredient list of any recipe to make your grocery shopping a breeze.

Installation of the project:

Clone the repository and change into it on the command line:

git clone https://github.com/mityay36/foodgram-project-react/

Make your own .env file in main directory. All required variables are listed in .env.example

Perform Docker images

cd frontend
docker build -t YOUR_USERNAME/foodgram_frontend .
cd ../backend
docker build -t YOUR_USERNAME/foodgram_backend .
cd ../nginx
docker build -t YOUR_USERNAME/foodgram_gateway . 

Push your images to Docker Hub

docker push YOUR_USERNAME/foodgram_frontend
docker push YOUR_USERNAME/foodgram_backend
docker push YOUR_USERNAME/foodgram_gateway

Connect to our remote server


Make an "foodgram" directory

mkdir foodgram

Download DockerCompose on the server

sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
sudo apt install docker-compose

Copy docker-compose.production.yml and .env files to your server

scp -i PATH_TO_SSH_KEY/SSH_KEY_NAME docker-compose.production.yml YOUR_USERNAME@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:/home/YOUR_USERNAME/foodgram/docker-compose.production.yml

Start Docker Compose in daemon mode

sudo docker-compose -f /home/YOUR_USERNAME/foodgram/docker-compose.production.yml up -d

Make migrations and collect static of your project

sudo docker-compose -f /home/YOUR_USERNAME/foodgram/docker-compose.production.yml exec backend python manage.py migrate
sudo docker-compose -f /home/YOUR_USERNAME/foodgram/docker-compose.production.yml exec backend python manage.py collectstatic
sudo docker-compose -f /home/YOUR_USERNAME/foodgram/docker-compose.production.yml exec backend cp -r /app/collected_static/. /backend_static/static/

Open nginx configuration file

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Update your server location section

location / {
		proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

Make sure the cof file is ok

sudo nginx -t

Reload nginx

sudo service nginx reload

Сайт доступен по ссылке:


Dmitry Pokrovsky & Yandex.Practicum