
Regular expression matcher for llvmruby sample

Primary LanguageRuby

RegexpLLVM -- Regular expression matcher for llvmruby sample

-- Description
   RegexpLLVM is very poor regular expression matcher. This program compiles 
   regular expression to llvm(bitcode format) and execute it on the fly.
-- Install
   Copy regexpllvm directory to anywere (except /dev/null ...).
   This program needs llvmruby.

-- Usage
   ruby lib/regexpllvm.rb

-- Bugs
   Many. This program generate bad DFA .

-- Author
   Miura Hideki (miura1729)
   e-mail: m-72 at tf6.so-net.ne.jp
   blog:   http://d.hatena.ne.jp/miura1729 (in Japanese)

-- License

 under the Ruby's License