Creator: Maks Yushkevich
University: BSUIR
Faculty: Computer Systems and Networks
Speciality: Computer Science and Software Engineering
Group: 953501
Time and activity-management application. User can set appointments, tasks and reminders. \
Basic functions:
- Calendar view (year, month, week view).
- Days with appointments should be marked by colour of appointment (or multiple colours in case of more than one appointment)
- Upcoming appointment for current day / pending tasks are on top of the page
- Appointment creation
- title
- description
- start / end date and time
- place (may be empty)
- zero, one or more reminders (user can type in when to remind)
- color (to distinguish tasks)
- Task creation (tasks have a 'completed' status. After user marked task as 'completed', it will disappear from 'pending' section)
- Ability to edit / delete appointment or task
Wireframe on figma:
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.