I'm a self-taught programmer, began on March 15 in the 'HUB' at Campus{Proggrammers Land}, aiming to complete it successfully.
Pinned Repositories
Creación de API basada en "rappi" y renombrada "rappi_campus", para la gestión de todos los servicios de la aplicación misma bajo el uso de MongoDB y NodeJS.
Welcome to the "ArchitecturaCircus" repository! 🎪 Explore the exciting spectacle of software architecture. Discover the wonders of the branches "Ejemplo-proyecto-Hexagonal", "Ejemplo-proyecto-Singleton" and more. Join the architecture parade - let's build together! 🏗️
In this initial project with Kotlin, I have created a simple application that stands out for its simplicity and usefulness. The app has the basic function of greeting the user, serving as a starting point to explore and learn Kotlin in mobile app development. 📱👋 #ProjectGreetingKotlin
"Databases of the Universe" is a project covering a FreeCodeCamp PostgreSQL database. This work reflects my ability to structure and manage complex data, offering hands-on experience in designing robust databases in an educational environment. 🌌🗃️ #ProjectPostgreSQLFreeCodeCamp
A boilerplate for the freeCodeCamp curriculum.
This project could be considered a preliminary test to assess the suitability of the technology (TauriJS) in relation to my main project. It confirmed its worth and, for that reason, although it has some imperfections, it represents a solid step in the right direction. 🛠️🚀 #TauriJSExperience
This React application allows you to query GitHub account details using the GitHub API. By integrating the API, I've created an interface that makes it easy to view and browse account information on the platform, demonstrating React's effective integration with external services. 📊🚀 #GitHubAPIReact
Este proyecto implica la creación de un mapa de datos que representa la temperatura global. La implementación se realiza mediante D3 y JavaScript, permitiendo una visualización efectiva de tendencias climáticas. Esta tarea destaca mi capacidad para utilizar herramientas como D3.js para visualizar datos geográficos de manera impactante. 🌍🌡️
This project, developed with MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js, represents my ability to build full-stack applications. Although functional, it faces a bug that I am committed to solving. This experience highlights my ability to address challenges, improve and maintain the robustness of complex applications. 🛠️🌐 #ProjectFullStackWithError
This service constitutes a URL shortener that reflects the harmonious integration of my skills in both backend and frontend development. The resulting application has been efficiently and elegantly implemented on the Vercel platform, highlighting my ability to orchestrate both disciplines synergistically.
miusarname's Repositories
A boilerplate for the freeCodeCamp curriculum.
This contact list application was developed with the MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React and Node.js). It highlights my ability to build full-stack applications, managing data efficiently with MongoDB, creating a dynamic interface with React and establishing effective communication between frontend and backend with Node.js and Express.js. 📞🌐
This page came about as an attempt at a collaborative project with someone new to programming. Although we didn't complete it, the original vision was to create a full-stack application with React and Node.js. Although the project was put on hold, the experience reinforced my ability to approach and plan development collaborations. 🚀💻
The official guide for discord.js, created and maintained by core members of its community
This project involves learning and/or remembering AJAX for an upcoming application. I will explore all methods, from XMLHttpRequest() to fetch, delving into asynchronous communication techniques. This work will strengthen my ability to manage client-server interaction efficiently and dynamically. 🔄🌐 #LearningAJAX
Set up a modern web app by running one command.
Curso Java Básico
Liveblocks is a real-time collaboration infrastructure for developers.