
Please import the project in your favorite IDE. The application needs at least Java 1.7. Maven is used for build and dependency management.

To run the application

start the mwo.addressbook.ui.Bootstrap class. You can do it via IDE or creating an executable jar (see below). It contains the main method which

  1. imports the addresses and
  2. outputs the results according to the tasks to the console.

You need to provide the address book file as a parameter for the main method. You will find the example from the task in root folder of the project.

To run test application test cases

use maven test goal or start tests via IDE.

Create executable jar

The pom.xml already supports the creation of an executable jar while packaging the project. The jar will be in the target folder:


Tu run via console, do the following:

  • Go to the root folder of the project
  • mvn package
  • java -jar target/addressbook-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ~absolute-path-of-addressbook-file~