
crawl everything by this

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

crazyCrawler 2.0

crawl everything by this



npm install crazy-crawler


const { CrazyCrawler, Task, TaskChain } = require('crazy-crawler')

const crawler = new CrazyCrawler({ maxTask: 5, sleep: 100 })

crawler.on('done', () => {
	// crawler finish working

create crawler task (创建爬虫任务)

const task = new Task({
	name: 'example',
	url: 'http://www.baidu.com',
	handler: function(response) {
		// response is axios response
		console.log(response.data) //data of axios response
		console.log(response.task.name) // example
	errorHandler: function(err) {
		// when error occurs in HTTP request this handler will be invoked

queue task to crawler and run (将任务加入到爬虫队列并运行)

crawler.queueTask(task).run() // run crawler

craete crawler taskChain (创建爬虫任务链)

const taskChain = new TaskChain()

const firstTask = new Task({
	name: 'first',
	url: 'http://www.baidu.com',
	beforeTask: function({ lastTask, task, state }) {
		// if this task is the first task of the task chain
		// lastTask will be undefined
		// task is the task will be executed
		// state is the property of taskChain
		// and used by every task
		console.log(task.name) // first
		state.firstStatus = 'before'
	afterTask: function({ task, state, response }) {
		// response is axios response and the same as response in handler
		console.log(state.firstStatus) // before
		state.firstStatus = 'finish'

const secondTask = new Task({
	name: 'second',
	url: 'http://www.baidu.com',
	beforeTask: function({ lastTask, task, state }) {
		console.log(lastTask.name) // first
		console.log(state.firstStatus) // finish
	afterTask: function({ task, state, response }) {
		// response is axios response and the same as response in handler
		console.log(response.task.name) // second

taskChain.queue([firstTask, secondTask])

queue taskChain to crawler and run (将任务链加入到爬虫队列并运行)

crawler.queueTask(taskChain).run() // run crawler


repeat task

  • example 1
const crawler = new CrazyCrawler({ maxTask: 5, sleep: 100 })
let counter = 0

crawler.on('done', () => {
	console.log(counter) // 3

const repaetTask = new Task({
	name: 'repeat',
	url: 'http://example.com',
	handler: function(response) {
	repeat: true,
	limit: 3

  • example 2
const crawler = new CrazyCrawler({ maxTask: 5, sleep: 100 })
let counter = 0

crawler.on('done', () => {
	console.log(counter) // 4

const repaetTask = new Task({
	name: 'repeat',
	url: 'http://example.com',
	handler: function(response) {
	repeat: true,
	limit: 2

const repaetTask1 = new Task({
	name: 'repeat',
	url: 'http://example.com',
	handler: function(response) {
	repeat: true,
	limit: 2


functional task

  • example 3
const crawler = new CrazyCrawler({ maxTask: 5, sleep: 100 })
let counter = 0

crawler.on('done', () => {
	console.log(counter) // 2

const functionalTask = new Task({
	name: 'functional',
	baseUrl: 'http://example.com/:id',
	paramSetters: {
		id: function(counter) {
			return counter + 123
			// url will be http://example.com/123 http://example.com/124 ...
	handler: function(response) {
	functional: true,
	limit: 2


functional and repeat task

  • example 4
const crawler = new CrazyCrawler({ maxTask: 5, sleep: 100 })
let counter = 0

crawler.on('done', () => {
	console.log(counter) // 4

const functionalTask = new Task({
	name: 'functional',
	baseUrl: 'http://example.com/:id',
	paramSetters: {
		id: function(counter) {
			return counter + 123
			// url will be http://example.com/123 http://example.com/124 ...
	handler: function(response) {
	functional: true,
	limit: 2

const repaetTask = new Task({
	name: 'repeat',
	url: 'http://example.com',
	handler: function(response) {
	repeat: true,
	limit: 2




CrazyCrawler.constructor({ maxTask, sleep })

  • maxkTask: max tasks downloader execs at the same time
  • sleep: sleep between every task

CrazyCrawler.queueTask(task: Task | TaskChain)

  • add task or taskChain to crawler


  • run crawler



  • when crawler finish working 'done' event will be emitted



basic options(基础选项)

  • name: the name of task
  • url: target url
  • method: default to 'get'
  • data: only work with method is post, can be plain object or string
  • headers: can be plain object or string
  • cookies: cookie object, if headers not exist 'Cookie' property, then use cookies options
  • axiosOptions: any axios supported options, include url,method, data, headers
  • handler: to handle response if success, parameter is axios response
  • errorHandler: to handle error if any Error occurs in axios progress
  • fakeIP: by add 'X-Forword-For' and 'CLIENT_IP' with random IP to headers
  • repeat: specific task is repeat
  • limit: work with task is repeat or functional, number or function

functional task options(函数式任务选项)

  • functional: sepecific task is functional
  • baseUrl: generate url from baseUrl
  • baseData: generate data from baseData
  • paramSetters: sepecific properties to be generated to url and data
  • baseUrlPattern: how to find where to be replaced with generated param

task in chain options(任务链有效的选项)

  • inChain: specific task is working in chain
  • beforeTask: invoke before axios progress and you can modify the task
  • afterTask: invoke after axios progress and you can store some useful data to use in chain


run task


check if task is over limit


return a task with coptFrom property of this task


return a task like this task


if task is functional this will return a generated task with functional options, otherwise return this.copy() with this task


TaskChain.constructor({ repeat, functional, limit })

  • repeat: sepecific this task chain is repeat chain
  • limit: times to repeat, not work with functional
  • functional: sepecific this task chain is functional


queue tasks to exec in chain, order is the order with queue


to Task


if reapet this will check if over limit, if functional this will invoke checkLimit of every task in chain to check


if functional, this will invoke generateTask of every task in chain and push them to a new TaskChain, then return this new chain


if repeat, this will return a new TaskChain based on this taskChain

welcome pull request
