
A set of tools that keep Golang sweet.

Primary LanguageGo

Produced by OpenMix: https://openmix.org

Mix XUtil

A set of tools that keep Golang sweet.


go get github.com/mix-go/xutil

xhttp [more]

Function Description
xhttp.Request(method string, u string, opts ...RequestOption) (*Response, error) Execute an http request.
xhttp.Do(req *http.Request, opts ...RequestOption) (*Response, error) Execute an http request.
xhttp.WithBody(body Body) RequestOption Set configuration item
xhttp.WithHeader(header http.Header) RequestOption Set configuration item
xhttp.WithContentType(contentType string) RequestOption Set configuration item
xhttp.WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) RequestOption Set configuration item
xhttp.WithDebugFunc(f DebugFunc) RequestOption Set configuration item
xhttp.WithRetry(f RetryIfFunc, opts ...retry.Option) RequestOption Set configuration item
xhttp.BuildJSON(v interface{}) Body Generate json string
xhttp.BuildQuery(m map[string]string) Body Generate urlencoded query string


Function Description
xslices.InArray[T comparable](item T, slice []T) bool Searches if the specified value exists in the array.


Function Description
xstrings.IsNumeric(s string) bool Used to check if the variable is a number or a numeric string.
xstrings.SubString(s string, start int, length int) string Return part of a string
xstrings.Capitalize(s string) string The function converts the first letter of the input string to uppercase.


Function Description
xconv.StructToMap(i interface{}) map[string]interface{} Convert struct to map.
xconv.StringToBytes(s string) []byte Convert string to bytes (0 copy).
xconv.BytesToString(b []byte) string Convert bytes to bytes (0 copy).


Function Description
xcrypt.AESEncrypt(plainText, mode, key, iv string) (string, error) AES encryption
xcrypt.AESDecrypt(cipherText, mode, key, iv string) (string, error) AES Decryption

xfmt [more]

A formatting library that can print data inside nested pointer addresses of structures.

The supported methods are identical to the fmt system library

Function Description
xfmt.Sprintf(format string, args ...interface{}) string
xfmt.Sprint(args ...interface{}) string
xfmt.Sprintln(args ...interface{}) string
xfmt.Printf(format string, args ...interface{})
xfmt.Print(args ...interface{})
xfmt.Println(args ...interface{})
xfmt.Disable() Equivalent to fmt when disabled

xenv [more]

Environment configuration library with type conversion.

Function Description
err := xenv.Load(".env")
err := xenv.Overload(".env")
i := xenv.Getenv("key").String("default")
i := xenv.Getenv("key").Bool(false)
i := xenv.Getenv("key").Int64(123)
i := xenv.Getenv("key").Float64(123.4)


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