
AES-CBC encryption / decryption python program

Primary LanguagePython


A simple AES-CBC encryption tool for documents

Table of Contents


To install Crypt-It, run the following command in your terminal:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all necessary dependencies for running the program.



To encrypt a file using Crypt-It, simply run the following command:

python crypt-it.py -e [input_file]

Replace [input_file] with the path to the file you want to encrypt. You will be prompted to enter an encryption password and confirm it.


Enter encryption password: [yourpassword]
Confirm encryption password: [yourpassword]

File encrypted and saved to example.doc.enc

The original file [example.doc] will be replaced with the encrypted version (example.doc.enc).


To decrypt a file, run the following command:

python crypt-it.py -d [input_file]

Replace [input_file] with the path to the .enc file you want to decrypt. You will be prompted to enter the decryption password.


Enter decryption password:[yourpassword]

File decrypted and saved to example.doc

The original encrypted file (example.doc.enc) will be replaced with the decrypted version (example.doc).


Python 3.6+ and cryptography libraries included in requirements.txt

Note: Make sure to store your encryption/decryption passwords securely, as they cannot be recovered if lost.