A modified go "encoding/json" package that may writes struct field names in snake_case, lowerCamelCase, and lowercase.
This package is almost-compatible with Go standard encoding/json package, except for a few additional functions.
Most important functions added are MarshalSnakeCase()
and UnmarshalSnakeCase()
. As the name implies, MarshalSnakeCase()
converts Go's CamelCase named members to snake_case named JSON field members. UnmarshalSnakeCase()
is vice versa.
function MarshalLowerCamelCase()
and UnmarshalLowerCamelCase()
handles JSON field names in lowerCamelCase, that means each word is capitalized except for the first word.
Also, function MarshalLowerCase()
and UnmarshalLowerCase()
handles JSON field names in lowercase, that means all words are lowercased and concatenated without spaces.
package main
import (
json "github.com/mixcode/golib-json-snake"
func main() {
type st struct {
Name string // JSON object name will be "name"
AnotherName string // JSON object name will be "another_name"
ExplicitCamel string `json:"ExplicitCamel"` // If a name tag is explicitly set, the name will be used as-is
ExplicitSnake string `json:"explicit_snake"`
Empty int
in := st{"name", "another_name", "camel", "snake", 0}
// encode with snake case
encoded, err := json.MarshalSnakeCase(&in, false)
if err != nil {
// Output:
// {"name":"name","another_name":"another_name","ExplicitCamel":"camel","explicit_snake":"snake","empty":0}
Standard Go encoding/json package can unmarshal any JSON string into map[string]any
type. In this case, child objects are also unmarshalled to map[string]any
In this package, child objects could be unmarshalled into proper structs if they are pre-placed to the map.
package main
import (
json "github.com/mixcode/golib-json-snake"
func main() {
// a custom struct
type myStruct struct {
Name string
Yes bool
m := make(map[string]any) // A universal map to decode a JSON
m["payload"] = myStruct{} // If we know a exact type of an object, we can pre-set a receiver for the object
// the 'payload' member in supplied json will be decoded to myStruct placed at m["payload"]
err := json.UnmarshalSnakeCase([]byte(`{"ok":true,"payload":{"name":"mixcode","yes":true}}`), &m)
if err != nil {
// print the result
var p myStruct = m["payload"].(myStruct)
fmt.Printf("%v", p)
// Output:
//{mixcode true}