
TooN - Tom's Object Oriented Numerics library

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


Compiling and installing

To install on a unix system:

./configure && make && sudo make install

To verify that everything works, you can optioinally run

make test

If you use any LAPACK based features (SVD.h, LU.h, QR_Lapack.h, SymEigen.h, Lapack_Cholesky.h) you will need to link against LAPACK, probably using -llapack and perhaps -lblas.

System compatibility

The code is ready to go and should work on any system (unix or non-unix) without configuring or compiling.


Documentation Status

Latest documentation here: https://codedocs.xyz/edrosten/TooN/ or just run Doxygen.

Documentation for latest release is here: http://www.edwardrosten.com/cvd/toon/html-user/index.html

Status of unit tests

Build Status