
Super basic chat bot framework for Beam

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a basic chat bot framework for Beam, built to serve as a basic example of a Beam chat bot.


We've built a chat bot that logs incoming messages to the console, no longer sends "Hi!" to the channel every second. !ping command has been added

To use it, ensure Python 3 is installed on your system. Then:

  • install dependencies
    • Windows : python setup.py install
    • Linux : python3 setup.py install
  • copy config.example.py to config.py and add your authentication information
  • run the example chatbot
    • Windows : Launch run.bat (fixes issues with certain font types)
    • Linux : python3 example.py

Tested Platforms

  • Windows 10 with Python 3.4.2
  • Rasbian with Python 3.4.2 (Raspberry Pi)
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with Python 3.5.2