Userscript Browser Ext

Lightweight self-manage plugin for custom userscripts in browser. This is "paranoid-mode" plugin, so you can easily check everything and know, that is sent anywhere.

It uses declarative content scripts feature, read more:

Get started

Let's add simple scripts to any google pages.

Create script

Place new js file to scripts directory, for example scripts/google.js:

 hello google

 matches: https://**

 run_at: document_start

console.log('Hi, google')

This file starts with docstring, which describe where and when we should run this script.

Note: You may also add custom css, by adding css file with the same filename (scripts/google.css).

Build your manifest

Run ./create_manifest program, it will create your manifest.json file.

You can check, that generated manifest contains something like:

    "content_scripts": [
            "matches": [
            "exclude_matches": [],
            "js": [
            "run_at": "document_start"

Install your plugin

First of all enable "Developer Mode" in your browser (chrome://extensions/ -> toggle on "Developer Mode" at top right corner)

Press "Load unpacked" button and select your plugin root directory (this project root).

Check that your plugin is installed and enabled.


Navigate to, open developer console and check that "Hello, google" has written.

Important information

Google Chrome doesn't automatically reload your scripts, so when you change scripts/google.js you need to click on plugin icon - it will reload the plugin automatically.

When you change docstring, filename or add more scripts you need to rebuild manifest.json using ./create_manifest, and then reload the plugin.

Docstring Reference


   matches: <match expression>
   matches: <match expression>
   <more match rules>

   exclude_matches: <exclude_matches>
   exclude_matches: <exclude_matches>
   <more exclude_matches rules>

   run_at: <document_idle|document_start|document_end>
   all_frames: <true|false>