
Starter-kit for a "pro" web app in Flask

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This project is meant to be a modern and "professional" project skeleton to start from, with "batteries included" rather than the barebones toys found online so far. The functionality of Django with the breeziness of Flask. (Please don't call it "Flango," haha.) It includes:

  • Python 3.5+ support
  • Flask App, factored according to concern:
    • setup.py, config.py, views.py, models.py, forms.py, admin.py etc.
    • meta.py for changing company, app, and other names in one location.
  • Data:
    • SQL Alchemy configured
    • User and Role model
    • Organization model, for multi-tenant apps.
    • Common fields for inheritance (id, name, description, created, updated, etc)
    • Automatic REST API for models
    • Migration support configured
  • Admin on /admin
  • Security views on /security/:
    • Registration w/ email confirmation
    • Login:
      • Required by all views, exception available
      • bcrypt password hashing
        • Implemented in admin app as well.
      • Change password support
    • Rest API
      • JWT Token Authentication available from /security/auth
  • Views:
    • Welcome page
    • User Profile page, on /profile.
    • File upload page (DND, multiple selection), on /upload.
  • Documentation:
    • readme.rst 👀
    • Sphinx configured w/ RTD theme.
    • Edit .rst files under ./docs.
    • Run make html to build docs. View locally under _build/html/index.html or served from /static/docs/.
  • Troubleshooting, QA
    • Debug Toolbar, loaded when debug enabled.
    • Testing skeleton under ./tests
    • Linting configuration for:
      • Flake8 (pyflakes, pep8)
      • eslint
      • stylelint
  • Front end:
    • Bootstrap 4 (From CDN)
    • JQuery (From CDN)
    • FontAwesome 4.6
    • A few simple templates and views
  • Operations:
    • setup.py ready for packaging, reads meta.py and readme.rst for metadata.
    • .gitignore for a Python-based project.
    • Python logging configured to stdout, as appropriate for debugging or systemd service.
    • mkaci - a script to create an ACI container for running under rkt.
      • use prep subcommand to do long-running tasks once.
    • Caddy (reverse-proxy and https)
    • start.sh - rudimentary script to load gunicorn3 and caddy in container.


Am learning Flask as I go along, so improvements and pointers to best practices welcome.




Using this project is simple. First, clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:mixmastamyk/flask-skeleton.git new_project

Then remove its .git folder and create a new one. If you'd like to contribute don't do this, however.

cd new_project
rm -rf .git
git init

Then, hack away on your new project!


To install the prerquisites:

pip3 install --user --upgrade --pre --no-deps flask_restless  # temporary

pip3 install --user --upgrade -e .

You may prefer a global, virtual, or "pipenv" for this instead of a user install.

Container stuff


- sudo usermod -a -G systemd-journal www-data           # ? to see logs
- sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip .../caddy       # ? bind low ports


Run make test in the project folder to run linters and test suite.

To run eslint and the style linter, you'll need node.js unfortunately:

sudo apt install nodejs

Pytest and flake8 with colors for testing .py files:

pip3 install --user --upgrade pytest flake8-colors

You may prefer a global, virtual, or "pipenv" for this instead of a user install.









See the Dev Guide for more details.

Third-Party Docs
