Batch, compress and upload blobs into S3 using a configurable bucket and dynamic prefixes.
Avoids unnecessary copying.
package example
import (
// Channel size is arbitrary.
input := make(chan []byte, 64)
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
errs := uploader.Upload(uploader.UploadOptions{
Client: s3.New(sess),
Bucket: "test-bucket",
Delimiter: []byte("\n"), // default
Input: input, // required
ConcurrentUploads: 16, // default
BatchMaxBlobs: 64, // default
BatchSizeBytes: 10485760, // 10 MiB; disabled (0) by default
BatchWindow: time.Minute * 1, // disabled by default
GetKey: func(start time.Time) {
// start is the time when we received the first blob in this batch. Note
// that this may differ from when the blob was inserted into the Input
// channel due to buffering and scheduling.
return fmt.Sprintf(
// Will upload these with newlines to a single S3 object, barring any crazy
// scheduling/contention irregularities.
input <- []byte(`{"key":"value"}`)
input <- []byte(`{"key":"value2"}`)
for err := range errs {
// Report error.
// Upload has finished (usually because Input was closed and drained).
Static memory overhead includes 8 bytes per the product of ConcurrentUploads
and BatchMaxBlobs
, so the default values require 8 KiB of overhead. Realistic
use-cases might set BatchMaxBlobs
to 217, which means 16 MiB of
static overhead.
The BatchSizeBytes
isn't a hard limit - the uploader will attempt to meet or
just exceed this value.