
Various tips pinned from Pro Git (never gets old)

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Tips saved while reading Pro Git:

git diff 			: compare current with staged (or with last commit if no staged one)
git diff —staged 		: compare staged with last commit
git diff <master>…<topicbr>	: show diff introduced by topicbr comparing to master (base commit in master)
git diff <sha-1>		: show diff betwheen latest commit of current branch and other commit (sha-1)

git log -n 			: view last n commits
git log -n -p 			: last n commits with summary of changes (diff)
git log -n —graph		: graphical view branch history
git log —pretty=oneline		: each commit at one line
git log <br1> —not <br2>	: list commits which are in br1 but not in br2
git log <br1> <br2> —not <br3> 	: list commits which are in br1 and br2 but not br3
git log <master>..<topicbr> 	: show commits that reachable from topic but not from master (—||—)
git log origin/master..HEAD 	: show what will be pushed to remote in case of push (—||—)
git log <master>…<topic>	: show commits not reachable from both branches semitaneousely (not shared)
git log —left-right <master>…<topic> : same to previous, but show which commit at which branch

git remote -v 			: list remotes
git remote add <name> <url>	: add remote
git remote show [remote]	: details of remote
git remote rename <old> <new>	: rename remote
git remote rm <remote>		: delete remote reference

git reset HEAD [file]		: unstage file or all files
git checkout — [file | *]	: revert unstaged file (* for all files) to last commit state
reset HEAD; checkout * 		: revert all the changes in current branch
git reset --hard origin/master  : revert to remote state

git checkout -b <branch>			: make a new branch basing on current
git checkout -b <branch> <remote>/<rmtbranch> 	: make a local copy of branch fetched from remote (tracking copy)
git checkout -—track <remote>/<rmtbranch>	: —||— 
git checkout -b <branch> <sha-1> 		: make a new branch basing on some commit and switch to it
git checkout -b <branch> <basebrsanch>		: make a new branch basing on other branch and switch to it

git branch -d <branch> 	: delete branch
git branch -v 		: list branches with last commit for each
git branch —merged	: list branches merged to current (can be deleted)
git branch —no-merged 	: list all not merged to current

git fetch [remote]				: get data from remote (not merge with local)
git pull [remote]				: get data from remote and merge into local
git push [remote] [branch]			: send branch state to remote
git push [remote] [<localbranch>:<remotebranch>] 	: same but with diff name of remote branch 
git push <remote> :<remotebranch>		 	: remove branch on remote server

git tag 			: list all available tags
git tag -l “*”			: filter tags by pattern
git tag <name>			: create lightweight tag for last commit
git tag <name> <sha-1>		: create tag for not the latest commit
git tag -a <name> -m <msg>	: create annotated tag (-s instead -a --> signed tag)
git show <tag name>		: show commit marked by tag, and tag’s info
git tag -v <tag name>		: verify signed tag
git push <remote> <tag>		: push tag to remote
git push <remote> —tags 	: push all tags to remote
git describe [branch]		: get current branch state (latest tag + number of commits after); kind of build number

git merge <branch>			: merge specified branch into current
git rebase <branch>			: rebase current branch to the latest commit of <branch>
git rebase —onto <tarbr> <br1><br2>	: rebase br2 from br1 to latest tarbr separately from any changes made within br1
git rebase -i HEAD~3 			: change last 3 commits (like amend but for n commits)
DO NOT rebase commits that were pushed to remote!
git merge-base <br1> <br2> 	: show common ancestor of the two branches
git cherry-pick <sha-1> 	: rebase specified commit to the top of current branch
git stash 			: save all uncommitted changes from current branch and clear branch to not changed
git stash list			: list stashes
git stash apply [stash@{n}]	: apply latest stash if not specified, apply n-th stash otherwise
git stash apply <st> —index	: apply latest stash including “staged” states of the files
git stash drop <st>		: delete stash
stash -> checkout another branch -> stash apply : move changes from one branch to another
git stash branch <newbranch>			: make a new branch from stash and remove stash
git filter-branch —tree-filter ‘<cmd>’ HEAD [—all]	: apply ‘cmd' to each commit in current branch or all branches
git blame 	: annotate the file
git bisect 	: interactive binary search of the commit that introduced a bug
git config —global core.excludesfile <some_gitignore> 	: set common .gitignore for all files
git config —global color.ui true			: colour output