
By converting the "App. *. Config" and "log4net. *. Config" files according to the configuration at the time of build, copy it to the output folder

Primary LanguagePowerShellMicrosoft Public LicenseMS-PL


Build status NuGet

App.Config, log4net.config Transform.
In advance, App.Debug.config, App.Main.config, App.Hotfix.config, App.Release.config, log4net.Debug.config, log4net.Main.config, log4net.Hotfix.config, log4net.Release.config is available.
log4net.config file will be included in the clickonce publish.

How to get


PM> Install-Package MiYABiS.AppConfigTransform

log4net.config setting

When you use , please install the log4net from nuget.

C#:Properties\AppConfigTransformAssemblyInfo.cs file Please cancel comment.

[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile=@"log4net.config", Watch=true)]

VB:My Project\AppConfigTransformAssemblyInfo.vb file Please cancel comment.

<Assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile:="log4net.config", Watch:=True)> 

App.config Section Protection setting

When you use , please install the Moca.NETConfiguration from nuget.

C#:add Assembly property.

[assembly: Moca.Configuration.SectionProtection(Moca.Configuration.ProtectionProviderType.DPAPI, "Section Name")]

VB:add Assembly property.

<Assembly: Moca.Configuration.SectionProtection(Moca.Configuration.ProtectionProviderType.DPAPI, "Section Name")> 

Protection Provider Type DPAPI or RSA.

Program Startup execute method.



Microsoft Public License (MS-PL)
