
Treasure game with nodejs, express, sequelize, mysql, jwtwebtoken

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Treasure game with nodejs, express, sequelize, mysql, jwtwebtoken


LuckyShine is a game where users can collect treasures in a given latitude and longitude. Every treasure that are collected will have points based on the monetary value. A treasure may have more than one money value, it depends on the user’s luck. Lucky user may get the highest money from the treasure that has been collected.

To start the project (with docker and docker-compose)

If you already have docker and docker-compose. Open your terminal and go to the project folder.

  1. run docker-compose build
  2. run docker-compose up
  3. run docker ps to get the container id of app, and run docker exec -it {container id} sh to go into the container.
  4. run sequelize db:migrate to install the database
  5. run sequellize db:seed:all to run all the seeding data before you can use the app.
  6. go to postman with localhost or to access the endpoints.

Take note

Docker-compose already run nodemon when boot up, so you will not need to run node index.js.

To start the project without docker

You will need to have nodejs pre-installed and mysql pre-configured in your machine.

  1. go to project folder and open config/config.json and change the host for development to and change the root password and database name accordingly.
  2. open terminal and nagivate to the project folder, run npm install to install all the modules
  3. run npm install -g sequelize-cli to install sequelize-cli to run migration.
  4. run sequelize db:migrate to install the database
  5. run sequellize db:seed:all to run all the seeding data before you can use the app.
  6. run node index.js to start the project.
  7. go to postman with localhost or to access the endpoints.

The endpoints

POST /login

To know which account you can login, please check for the credentials in seeders/20190907073018-UserSeeder.js required field: email and password

This endpoint return user object and token. You will need the token for other endpoints.

GET /treasures (You will need to pass in Authorization: Bearer {token} in headers)

Each treasure will have 1 or more money value. If you pass in prize_value, the query will look for the lowest money value in each treasure that meet the search criteria and randomly return 1 record as the prize for the user.

If you don't pass in prize_value, query will look for any value in treasure that meet the search criteria and randomly return 1 record as the prize for the user. Users will have chance to get higher money value in the same treasure.

	"latitude": "1.3273451" (required),
	"longitude": "103.8756757" (required),
	"distance": 1 or 10 only (required), 
	"prize_value": integer value from 10 to 30 only (nullable)

GET /treasures/leaderboard (You will need to pass in Authorization: Bearer {token} in headers)

You get to see all user with their total prize won in the response. Highest prize won user will be listed on the top.