
Automatically delete host of Zabbix server when in-scaling occurs at AWS EC2

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Zabbix EC2 meta-data check

Automatically delete host configuration from Zabbix server when in-scaling occurs at AWS EC2.


  • Zabbix 3.0
  • Python 2.7 or 3.6
  • Zabbix remote command must be allowed on each instances

Install templates & scripts to Zabbix server

  1. Import template files (templates/3.0/*.xml) to Zabbix server
  2. Place script files (externalscripts/*.py) at externalscripts directory of Zabbix server
    • ref. default directory: /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/
  3. Modify Zabbix API parameters of delete_host.py and register_ec2_instanceid.py
    • ZABBIX_SERVER: your Zabbix web URL
    • ZABBIX_USER: your Zabbix web account username (super admin required)
    • ZABBIX_PASSWORD your Zabbix web account password
  4. Grant execution privilege to script files
    • eg. chmod +rx /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/*.py

Configure Auto Scaling master AMI

Modify /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf

  • Enable remote commands: # EnableRemoteCommands=0 -> EnableRemoteCommands=1
  • Enable remote log commands: # LogRemoteCommands=0 -> LogRemoteCommands=1
  • Modify server address (passive): ServerActive= -> ServerActive=<YOUR ZABBIX SERVER OR PROXY>
  • Modify server address (active): ServerActive= -> ServerActive=<YOUR ZABBIX SERVER OR PROXY>
  • Remove hostname: Hostname=Zabbix server -> # Hostname=Zabbix server
  • Enable hostname-item: # HostnameItem=system.hostname -> HostnameItem=system.hostname
  • Set host-metadata: # HostMetadata= -> HostMetadata=<SOMETHING>

Setup Zabbix auto registration (for scale-out)

Fill in template-macros

Fill in following template macros of AWS EC2 meta-data check

  • {$REGION}: EC2 region (eg. us-east-1)
  • {$KEY}: IAM Access key
  • {$SECRET}: IAM Secret access key

Note: If you separates AWS accounts or region, please make templates and link to AWS EC2 meta-data check

child templates

Create auto registration action

  • Conditions:
    • Host metadata like
  • Operations:
    • Add host
    • Link to templates: AWS EC2 meta-data check (or child template)
    • and your liking...

auto registration action

Setup Zabbix auto unregistration (for scale-in)

trigger action

Create instance-id registration action

  • Conditions:
    • Trigger value = OK
    • Trigger = AWS EC2 meta-data check: AWS EC2 meta-data check EC2 instance-id was changed
  • Operations:
    • Run remote commands on current host
      • Operation type: Remote command
      • Target list: Current host
      • Type: Custom script
      • Execute on: Zabbix server
      • Commands:
/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/register_ec2_instanceid.py --hostname {HOST.HOST} --instanceid {ITEM.LASTVALUE}

instance-id registration action (condition)

instance-id registration action (operation)

instance-id registration action (operation)

Create host deleting action

  • Conditions:
    • Maintenance status not in maintenance
    • Trigger value = PROBLEM
    • Trigger = AWS EC2 meta-data check: AWS EC2 meta-data check EC2 instance was terminated
  • Operations:
    • Run remote commands on current host
      • Operation type: Remote command
      • Target list: Current host
      • Type: Custom script
      • Execute on: Zabbix server
      • Commands:
/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/delete_host.py -n "{HOST.HOST}"

deleting host action (condition)

deleting host action action (operation)


  • MIT