
Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Real-time markdown preview plugin for vim.


Latest Vim which has +channel feature.

Python 3.5+ and some libraries (misaka, pygments, tornado) are also required to be installed in your python.

To install them:

pip3 install misaka pygments "tornado>=4"


python3 -m pip intsall misaka pygments "tornado>=4"


This plugin is using git submodule.

If you are using NeoBundle to manage plugins, it will automatically enable git submodules by default. So you can install this plugin by simply adding NeoBundle 'miyakogi/livemark.vim' in your vimrc and then execute :NeoBundleInstall.

However, if you are using other plugin manager which does not support submodules, or installing manually, you need to update submodule after installation. To manually install this plugin, please execute git clone --recursive https://github.com/miyakogi/livemark.vim.


Open markdown file and execute :LiveMark. This command opens browser window and starts real-time preview.

To stop previewing, execute :LiveMarkDisable command.


By adding theme-name as an argument of the :LiveMark command, livemark change theme of the preview window. To see available themes, press <Tab> key after :LiveMark on vim. Default theme is skyblue.

Note: Former version supported use-define js/css files, but current version does not support this feature.

Scrolling Browser

LiveMark.vim has BrowserMode.

When execute :LiveMarkBrowserMode, some keys (j/k/<C-d>/<C-u>/<C-f>/<C-b>/gg/G) become to move browser window, not vim. To exit this mode, press <Esc> key or execute :LiveMarkBrowserModeExit.

TODO: prepare screen cast.

Note: Former version has cursor sync feature, but its removed now.


Python binary

This plugin uses python3 installed in your path by default. If you want to use another python, you can specify the path as follows:

let g:livemark_python = '/path/to/python/binary'  " default 'python3'


By default, this plugin use system's default browser to show preview. To use other browser, for example, firefox, set g:livemark_browser variable in your vimrc.

let g:livemark_browser = 'firefox'

This value is passed to python's webbrowser module. Available browsers and corresponding names are listed here.


For now, this plugin uses two ports; one for tornado web-server (8089), and the other for sending markdown texts from vim (8090). If you want to change these port numbers, add the following lines to your vimrc and change values as you like.

let g:livemark_browser_port = 8089
let g:livemark_vim_port = 8090

The following setting forces to use python to send markdown text, instead of channel:

let g:livemark_force_pysocket = 1  "default: 0

Default theme

Default theme can change via g:livemark_theme option. The following setting change default theme to bootstrap3.

let g:livemark_theme = "bootstrap3"

This setting can be overridden by :LiveMark command's argument.

Syntax highlighting

LiveMark.vim supports code blocks and syntax highlighting. If you change theme of the code block, add the below option.

let g:livemark_highlight_theme = 'friendly'  " default ''

To list all available themes, run below command in shell.

python3 -c "import pygments.styles; print(pygments.styles.STYLE_MAP.keys())"


MIT License

This plugin includes Honoka (bootstrap theme optimized for Japanese).