
Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a vim plugin to execute McCabe complexity check (mccabe.py) and reports the results in location-list window.


If you are using NeoBundle, add the following line in your vimrc.

NeoBundle 'miyakogi/vim-mccabepy'

Then reload vim and execute :NeoBundleInstall.

Before run this plugin, please install mccabe.py, by pip install mccabe or any other proper way. If you are going to use this plugin in virtual environment made by virtualenv, please install mccabe.py into the virtual environment.


Open *.py file and execute :MccabePy.


Minimum complexity

Threashold of the complexity to be reported is set to 10 by default. To change this value, set b:mccabepy_min_complexity or g:mccabepy_min_complexity. If buffer local variable b:mccabepy_min_complexity exists, g:mccabepy_min_complexity is ignored.

Reporting results

By default, results will be reported in the location-list window. This action can be changed by using g:mccabepy_loc_open_cmd option. For example, if you are a Unite user and you want to use Unite location-list window, add the following lines in your vimrc. Then, the results will be reported in the Unite window.

let g:mccabepy_loc_open_cmd = 'Unite location-list -no-quit -buffer-name=mccabepy'
Close result window automatically

If there were nothing to be reported, no window will appear. If location-list window is opened, it will be closed automatically. To change this behaviour, use g:mccabepy_loc_close_cmd.

Example 1) Do not close location-list window.

let g:mccabepy_loc_close_cmd = ''

Example 2) To close Unite location-list window if there are nothing to be reported.

let g:mccabepy_loc_close_cmd = 'UniteClose mccabepy'