Last updated: 8/17/23
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It's the threshold used for when you press shift + D to merge vertices by distance.
Set the object to break apart as "Target",
Select the cookie cutter object,
Hit the "break apart" button.
Btw here is a boulder mesh I've been using to cut things.
Set the output folder (relative to the current .blend file) and fbx filename (without extension).
Select the mesh(es) you wish to export.
- Note that the last selected mesh (aka active object) will be used to determine the anchor position of your exported fbx.
Hit "Export FBX".
- If you had only one mesh selected, it will be renamed to the filename
- If you had multiple meshes, a plain axes node called your filename will be created, with all your meshes as its children.
These are actions I use a lot when modeling. Let me know if you'd like to add something else.
- shift + B: break apart
- shift + Q: select linked
- shift + M: select non-manifold (need to be in vertex or edge editing mode)
- shift + N: toggle face orientation overlay
- shift + T: triangulate selected faces
- shift + V: merge (vertices) at last
- shift + D: merge by distance with specified threshold
- shift + W: unwrap UV
- shift + S: toggle UV seam for selected edges
- S: toggle sharp for selected edges
- right arrow: select next item based on topology
- left arrow: select prev item based on topology
Find me on discord (miyehn
) if you need help or would like to provide feedback.