
access geoLocation from user and shows the season and message

Primary LanguageJavaScript

classBasedComponents rules

  • Must be a JavaScript class
  • Must extend (subclass) React.Components
  • Must define a 'render' method that returns some amount of jsx

rules of state

  • only usable with class components ( in functional components with hook )
  • props and state different
  • update state causes components instantly rerender
  • state must be inside the component where it was created
  • state can be updated with only setState() method function

Benefits of classbasedComponents

  • Easier code organization
  • can use 'state'
  • easier to handle user input
  • understands lifecycle events
  • easier to do things when the app first starts

components lifecycle

  • constructor
  • render
  • ( components visible on the screen )
  • componentDidMount
  • ( sit and wait for updates )
  • componentDidUpdate
  • ( sit and wait until this component is no longer shown )
  • componentWillUnmount