Task: Frontend Developer Interview

This is a task designed to understand the skillset of developers joining Now&Me. The task will be assessed on the following factors:

  • Dependencies used
  • Git Commits
  • Modularity of the code
  • API design of the components / functions (API here isn't REST API)
  • Accessibility of the components


Link to Figma Design


The goal of the task is to build a mini frontend app (Just the UI bit, no need to create an backend REST API) from the provided design linked above.

— You are free to choose your choice of framework [React (preferred) / Vue / Svelte / Next / Nuxt]

— You are free to choose either JavaScript or TypeScript (preferred)

— You are free to choose your choice of CSS framework (TailwindCSS, styled-components, stitches, anything else)

— You can fork this GitHub repo and work on the forked repo.

How to Submit the task?

If you had applied from one of our job posts and we had reach out to you, please follow up on the conversation. If not, then email to nitesh@nowandme.com with the task and an intro.


Please open an issue here on GitHub
