
Single Price Grid component for FrontEnd Mentor challenge.

Primary LanguageCSS

Frontend Mentor - Single price grid component solution

This is a solution to the Single price grid component challenge on Frontend Mentor.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the component depending on their device's screen size
  • See a hover state on desktop for the Sign Up call-to-action


Desktop design

Mobile design


My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • BEM methodology
  • Mobile first

What I learned

This one was pretty easy too! I added BEM methodology and did mobile layout first.

Some snippets:

The BEM methodology in HTML:

<div class="section-2">
    <div class="section-2__title">Monthly Subscription</div>
    <div class="section-2__price">
    <span class="section-2__value">&dollar;29</span
    ><span class="section-2__frequency"> per month</span>
    <div class="section-2__subtitle">
    Full access for less than &dollar;1 a day
    <div class="section-2__sign-up-button">Sign Up</div>

Continued development

I'm still learning BEM methodology and trying to make my code more clean and reusable!
