
A python program for downloading images from twitter.

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status


With this program, you can download all images uploaded by a specific twitter user.


First, before downloading images, you have to install dependencies using pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Of course, you need your api key and api secret as well. if you don't have them, consult Twitter Developers and create your application. After you get your api key and api secret, create a json file which should look like:

  "api_key": "your api key",
  "api_secret": "your api secret"


To download the images the user of id "foo" has uploaded, enter the command below in the command line:

$ python3 twt_img.py foo dest_path -c confidentials.json

where dest_path is the directory where images will be downloaded, and confidentials.json is a json file containing your api key and api secret.

You can specify which size of images to download using the optional argument -s (or --size). There are five values you can use for it: large, medium, small, orig, or thumb. If you don't specify this value, images of large size will be downloaded by default.

Provide a number to the -l or --limit argument (e.g. -l 25) to limit how many tweets are checked for images (starting with the most recent). Note that if you're using --limit but not --rts, tweets may be checked in batches smaller than this limit.

Using the --rts flag, you can also download images contained in retweets.