
Lightweight Terminal Buffer Manager for Neovim.

Primary LanguageVim Script

📋 termbufm

A lightweight terminal buffer manager for Neovim.

A wrapper around the Neovim terminal window, with functionality for toggling and auto-compiling and running code.

A simple install using a plugin manager, in this case vim-plug:

Plug 'mizlan/termbufm', {'branch': 'main'}

Follow these steps to configure:

Set preferred direction:

" if you prefer it opening in a left-right split:
let g:termbufm_direction_cmd = 'vnew'

" if you prefer it opening in a top-down split:
let g:termbufm_direction_cmd = 'new'

Load default keymaps:

" init.vim

" <leader>tb to build
" <leader>tr to run
" <leader>t<space> to toggle window
call termbufm#load_keymaps()

Define Vim commands for terminal commands:

command! TBuild call TermBufMExecCodeScript(&filetype, 'build')
command! TRun call TermBufMExecCodeScript(&filetype, 'run')

Create keybinds:

nnoremap <silent> <leader>b :TBuild<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>r :TRun<CR>

" toggle the window (show/hide)
nnoremap <silent> <leader><space> :call TermBufMToggle()<CR>

Load auxiliary keymap:

" will enable using <Esc> in terminal
call termbufm#load_terminal_keymaps()

Edit language configurations:

Add languages to the dictionary, determined by filetype and provide a build and run command. The first element of the list (if any) is a printf style string. Read :h printf() for information on how to format this. Any other elements will be expanded through expand() (read :h expand()) and passed in as arguments, along with the format string, to printf().

For your convenience, some common options for the expand() command are here:

Type Value Meaning
% test.cpp filename
%:r test basename
%:e cpp extension
%:p:h /home/ml/code directory
%:p /home/ml/code/test.cpp full path

For example, for cpp filetypes, 'g++ -std=c++11 %s' is the format string, and '%' means the filename.

" the default configuration
let g:termbufm_code_scripts = {
      \ 'python': { 'build': [''],                       'run': ['python %s', '%'] },
      \ 'cpp':    { 'build': ['g++ %s', '%'],            'run': ['./a.out'] },
      \ 'java':   { 'build': ['javac %s', '%'],          'run': ['java %s', '%:r'] },
      \ 'c':      { 'build': ['gcc %s', '%'],            'run': ['./a.out'] },
      \ }

Note for Windows users:

Set the shell to PowerShell in windows along with some additional necessary options:

" inside init.vim

set shell=powershell
set shellcmdflag=-c
set shellquote=\"
set shellxquote=