
Mizner Starter Wordpress Project

Primary LanguagePHP

Mizner Starter Theme

  • This is built for Local by Flywheel, get an install up
  • Remove Everything from the /public folder
  • Open /public in PHPStorm
  • Clone this Repo temp directory
    • Run git clone https://github.com/Mizner/mizner-starter temp
  • Move files from /temp into /public
    • Run mv temp/* ./ (make sure .gitignore moves)
  • Recommended: delete the .git folder
    • Run rm -rf .git (Make sure you're in the right directory)
  • Install NPM packages
    • (Bonus: use YARN!) run yarn install it's just like npm install
  • (NEED TO FIX THIS) Create file config.json update with settings
  • Update Client-name

---------- Deprecated Below This ---------

  • Run gulp to update your /dist folder to the new info
  • Now you should be able to run gulp watch and have BrowserSync stream .css changes and Reload on most .js and .php changes.

Recommended First Steps

  1. Get brand colors
    • add to _variables.scss
  2. Open _header.scss
    • choose options by commenting out what you don't want

Plugins You Probably Need

  • Gravity Forms
  • WP Migrate DB
  • CPT UI (easy custom post types)


Better Logo Support

Okay, so: there's a few things to know. It's somewhat dynamic.

  1. images/logo.svg will take priority
  2. images/logo.png is the first fallback
  3. images/logo.jpg is the second fallback
  4. If none of these exist, you can upload a logo via the Customizer
  5. Lastly, if no image is set via any of the above options it will display text in an h tag


Let's say you have an SVG "icon.svg" saved to the images folder.

You can use the_svg('images/icons.svg') in a .php file and it should load that .svg without any trouble... hopefully.

Note: Keep an eye out for any ? characters in the .svg file, especially if you downloaded the file from a place like FlatIcon


First off, just keep in mind... there's probably no popup library that will take care of all the possible use cases... "probably". If you find one, let me know.

Secondly, I wrote it a while ago. It could probably use improvements or refactoring.

Anyways, here's what I came up with:

  • Clicked Element: on some <button> or <a> element, give it:
    • class="popupTrigger"
    • name="exampleTrigger" note: (exampleTrigger) could be anything.
  • Popped Element: on the corresponding element, give it:
    • class="popupWrapper exampleTrigger"

Basically, we're associating the name attribute on the clicked element to a matching element with that as a class. So make sure it's fairly unique.

On Scroll Elements

Note: not currently working with Fixed Header (You can use either/or).

If visibile-in-browser.js is compiled:

You can use class on-screen that will populate class visible when element is scrolled over