
My slightly tweaked version of the AtMega328pb

Primary LanguageC

Arduino Atmega328PB Package by mizraith

This package lets you compile your code for the Atmel Atmega328PB Microcontroller using the Arduino build environment. There is no additional compiler needed.


Arduino IDE 1.6.9 or higher which contains avr-gcc in Version 4.9.2


Copy this link into your Arduino IDE under Preferences:


Run "Board Manager" -> Contributed -> Atmega328PB -> Install


This package is intended to support mizraith's boards. Thanks amoehl for the template! Modify for your own use, of course.


Simply modifying amoehl's file set for distribution was a long process. The folks at Arduino made it convoluted and provided barely enough documentation and IDE feedback to help one succeed. What should have taken 5 minutes (since all I was doing was modifying board names) has taken an hour.


This file set was created on a mac. The stuff was all throwin into a 1_0_0 folder then compressed. Macintrash was removed with zip -d myzip_pack_1.0.0.zip "__MACOSX*" and zip -d myzip_pack_1.0.0.zip ".DS_Store" To calculate the SHA-256 checksum, shasum -a 256 myzipfile.zip was used. This shasum is then included back into the .json file.