
Creative Coding Portfolio of Michael-Jon Mizra

Primary LanguageProcessing

Creative Coding Portfolio

Hello, welcome to a selection of work I have created over 5 years which highlight my experiences in the visual programming language Max/MSP, the java based language Processing, and Supercollider, an audio processing environment based on the smalltalk language and c-like functional programming.

Format (2021) - Supercollider, Processing, Audio, Visual, OSC Communication.

This is a 30 second clip from Format, a 30 minute audiovisual performance exploring communication between different performance systems. In this program, OSC is used to interface between Supercollider and Processing. OSC is a universal communication protocol that connect a host of contemporary design systems together i.e. Processing, OpenFrameworks, Unity, Unreal, Supercollider. In this instance, Supercollider sends OSC commands born from the audio information to Processing. In response, Processing generates and develops the visuals according to an interplay between randomised parameters and defined mathematical forms. The performance was created for No Bounds Festival 2021 as part of the algorithmic art program. This is a short clip from the performance of the track "Alpha Xray"


Displacement Native (2021) - Processing, Video, Audio, JSON Data.

Displacement Native (2021) is a multi-media audiovisual piece. It builds on the data sonification version of 2018. The program is an exercise in composition, utilising a generative particle system to parse and process the JSON data and multiple graphic buffers for the visual elements. The visual source material is decoded into pixel information and stored in 2-D array to enable processing of each pixel element individually, resulting in precise control over interactive elements. The piece was commissioned for the Puncture the Screen festival and continues the narrative of identity and loss by focusing on the migrant experience in Europe when met by far-right extremism.

Full Video - Displacement Native

Displacement Native (2018) - Max/MSP, JSON Data, Audio.

Displacement Native (2018) is a data sonification program written in Max/MSP. The data is taken from the United Nations Human Rights Council and is a measurement of displaced Syrians due to the Syrian civil war. The sonification process involves reducing the sample rate of an audio recording of the Syrian national anthem in relation to the quantity of people displaced. This has the effect of pulling the audio apart, intending to reflect on the nature of loss, in particular ones national and cultural identity. The piece was commissioned by the UK organisation Peshkar in collaboration with the Belgian organisation Out of The Box and the Centre for Intercultural Dialogue in North Macedonia (Former Republic of Yugoslavia). The piece was accompanied by a presentation at a conference on youth radicalisation in online spaces and methods for meeting these challenges.

Algorithmically Generated Images (2019 - ) - Processing

A selection of images generated from deforming the meshes of mathematically defined objects and exploring parameterisation and randomness. Click on the images for high-definition display.