
It is for setting the meta tags of flac files.

You needmetaflac command. If you don't have the command, you can install it by sudo apt install flac/bionic.


directory storucture:

├── ARTIST_1
│   ├── ALBUM_1
│   ├── ALBUM_2
│   ├── ALBUM_3
│   ...
├── ARTIST_2
│   ├── ALBUM_1
│   ├── ALBUM_2
│   ├── ALBUM_3
│   ...

fimename: 00-00-music_name.flac or 00 00 music_name.flac

Set meta tag

  1. You have to set ALBUM_DIR and IMPORT_TAG_FILE value in Makefile.

  2. Write the set meta tag to a file(IMPORT_TAG_FILE). An example can be found in import_tags.txt. Also, by executing make get_metatag, you can write the meta tag of any flac file to export_tags.txt.

  3. Then, exec make set-all-tag. You can set meta tags to all flac file in the album.

Set meta tag for many album

  1. -d {ARTIST_DIR}
  2. Edit the exported meta file in the ARTIST_DIR.
  3. -d {ARTIST_DIR}