
Rewrite of the tensor flow lite camera demo sample code in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project is the Kotlin rewrite of the tensor flow lite camera demo sample code available here.

The best way to learn tensor flow is to start from "TensorFlow for poets" series of codelabs available in the link below. https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/tensorflow-for-poets/

After finishing the first session, if you want to go further to learn how to run the tesnor flow model on an Android device,
there is a very good tutorial - "TensorFlow for poets 2: TFLite Android".

The sample code is very well written but written in Java.
I spent a couple of days and rewrote the code in Kotlin as well as replaced all the deprecated classes and methods with newer ones.

It should be easy to read (sice the original code is very good), and you can use it easily in your Kotlin projects. But in case you find any bug or code to improve, please let me know.