- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with icinga
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Enable and disable repositories
- [Installing from non upstream repositories](#Installing from Non-Upstream Repositories)
- Reference
- Release notes
This module provides several non private helper classes for the other official Icinga modules:
- [icinga/icinga2]
- [icinga/icingaweb2]
- [icinga/icingadb]
Support for the IcingaDB. For this purpose, the management of monitoring, previously exclusively the monitoring module, has been separated from the web class.
From now on, the IDO based monitoring must be done by the additional declaration of the class icinga::web::monitoring
. Likewise, the IcingaDB is configured with icinga::web::icingadb
. Thus, the use of both in parallel is also possible.
- Class icinga::repos got a new parameter 'manage_crb' to manage the CRB repository on CentOS Stream 9, Rocky 9 and AlmaLinux 9.
- Add functions and a base class 'redis' to support the new IcingaDB from module icingadb.
- [icinga::repos] involves the needed repositories to install icinga2, icingadb and icingaweb2:
- The Icinga Project repository for the stages: stable, testing or nightly builds
- EPEL repository for RHEL simular platforms
- Backports repository for Debian and Ubuntu
- NETWAYS extras repository for Icinga Web 2
- NETWAYS plugins repository with some additional monitoring plugins
- Classes to manage and setup an Icinga environment much easier:
- [icinga::server] setups an Icinga 2 including CA, config server, zones and workers aka satellites
- [icinga::worker] installs an Icinga 2 worker aka satellite
- [icinga::ido] configures the IDO backend including the database
- [icinga::web] manages Icinga Web 2, an Apache and a PHP-FPM
The requirements depend on the class to be used.
Add this declaration to your Puppetfile:
mod 'icinga',
:git => 'https://github.com/icinga/puppet-icinga.git',
:tag => 'v2.5.0'
Then run:
bolt puppetfile install
Or do a git clone
by hand into your modules directory:
git clone https://github.com/icinga/puppet-icinga.git icinga
Change to icinga
directory and check out your desired version:
cd icinga
git checkout v2.5.0
The class supports:
- [puppet] >= 6.0 < 8.0
And requiers:
- [puppetlabs/stdlib] >= 5.1.0
- [puppetlabs/apt] >= 6.0.0
- [puppet/zypprepo] >= 2.2.1
- [puppetlabs/yumrepo_core] >= 1.0.0
- [puppet/redis] >= 7.0.0
By default the upstream Icinga repository for stable release are involved.
include icinga::repos
To setup the testing repository for release candidates use instead:
class { 'icinga::repos':
manage_stable => false,
manage_testing => true,
Or the nightly builds:
class { 'icinga::repos':
manage_stable => false,
manage_nightly => true,
Other possible needed repositories like EPEL on RHEL or the Backports on Debian can also be involved:
class { 'icinga::repos':
manage_epel => true,
configure_backports => true,
The prefix configure
means that the repository is not manageable by the module. But backports can be configured by the class apt::backports, that is used by this module.
When manage is set to true
for a repository the ressource is managed and the repository is enabled by default. To switch off a repository again, it still has to be managed and the corresponding parameter has to set via hiera. The module does a deep merge lookup for a hash named icinga::repos
. Allowed keys are:
- icinga-stable-release
- icinga-testing-builds
- icinga-snapshot-builds
- epel (only on RHEL platforms)
- powertools (only RHEL 8 platforms)
- crb (only RHEL 9 platforms)
- netways-plugins
- netways-extras
An example for Yum or Zypper based platforms to change from stable to testing repo:
icinga::repos::manage_testing: true
enabled: 0
Or on Apt based platforms:
icinga::repos::manage_testing: true
ensure: absent
For some time now, access to current RPM packages on Icinga has required a paid subscription. Unfortunately, using older package versions for an Icinga server is not provided for in this project.
A subscription is required, it is configured as follows, e.g. in hiera:
baseurl: 'https://packages.icinga.com/subscription/rhel/$releasever/release/'
username: <username>
password: <password>
To change to a non upstream repository, e.g. a local mirror, the repos can be customized via hiera. The module does a deep merge lookup for a hash named icinga::repos
. Allowed keys are:
- icinga-stable-release
- icinga-testing-builds
- icinga-snapshot-builds
- epel (only on RHEL Enterprise platforms)
- powertools (only RHEL 8 platforms)
- crb (only RHEL 9 platforms)
- netways-plugins
- netways-extras
An example to configure a local mirror of the stable release:
baseurl: 'https://repo.example.com/icinga/epel/$releasever/release/'
gpgkey: https://repo.example.com/icinga/icinga.key
IMPORTANT: The configuration hash depends on the platform an requires one of the following resources:
- apt::source (Debian family, https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/apt)
- yumrepo (RedHat family, https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/yumrepo_core)
- zypprepo (SUSE, https://forge.puppet.com/puppet/zypprepo)
Also the Backports repo on Debian can be configured like the apt class of course, see https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/apt to configure the class apt::backports
via Hiera.
As an example, how you configure backports on a debian squeeze. For squeeze the repository is already moved to the unsupported archive:
content: 'Acquire::Check-Valid-Until no;'
priority: 99
notify_update: true
apt::backports::location: 'https://archive.debian.org/debian'
The class supports:
- [puppet] >= 6.0 < 8.0
And requiers:
- [icinga/icinga2] >= 2.0.0 < 4.0.0
Setting up a Icinga Server with a CA and to store configuration:
class { 'icinga::server':
ca => true,
ticket_salt => Sensitive('supersecret'),
config_server => true,
workers => { 'dmz' => { 'endpoints' => { 'worker.example.org' => { 'host' => '' }}, }},
global_zones => [ 'global-templates', 'linux-commands', 'windows-commands' ],
Addtition a connection to a worker is configured. By default the zone for the server is named main
. When config_server
is enabled directories are managed for all zones, including the worker and global zones.
IMPORTANT: A alpha numeric String has to be set to ticket_salt
in Hiera to protect the CA! An alternative is to set icinga::ticket_salt
in a hiera common section for all agents, workers and servers.
The associated worker could look like this:
class { 'icinga::worker':
ca_server => '',
zone => 'dmz',
parent_endpoints => { 'server.example.org' => { 'host' => '', }, },
global_zones => [ 'global-templates', 'linux-commands', 'windows-commands' ],
If the worker doesn't have a certificate, it sends a certificate request to the CA on the host ca_server
. The default parent zone is main
. Thus, only the associated endpoint has to be defined.
If icinga::ticket_salt
is also set in Hiera for the worker, he's automatically sent a certificate. Otherwise the request will be saved on the CA server and must be signed manually.
Both, server and workers, can operated with a parnter in the same zone to share load. The endpoint of the respective partner is specified as an Icinga object in colocation_endpoints
colocation_endpoints => { 'server2.example.org' => { 'host' => '', } },
Of course, the second endpoint must also be specified in the respective parent_endpoints
of the worker or agent.
An agent is very similar to a worker, only it has no parameter colocation_endpoints
class { 'icinga::agent':
ca_server => '',
parent_endpoints => { 'worker.example.org' => { 'host' => '', }, } },
global_zones => [ 'linux-commands' ],
NOTICE: To switch off the package installation via chocolatey on windows, icinga2::manage_packgaes
must be set to false
for the corresponding hosts in Hiera. That works only on Windows, on Linux package installation is always used.
The class supports:
- [puppet] >= 6.0 < 8.0
Ands requires:
- [puppetlabs/mysql] >= 6.0.0 =< 13.1.0
- [puppetlabs/postgresql] >= 7.0.0
- [icinga/icinga2] >= 2.0.0 < 4.0.0
- [icinga/icingadb] >= 1.0.0 < 2.0.0
To activate and configure the IcingaDB (usally on a server) do:
class { 'icinga::db':
db_type => 'pgsql',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_pass => Sensitive('icingadb'),
manage_database => true,
manage_redis => true,
manage_feature => true,
Setting manage_database
to true
also setups a database as specified in db_type
including database for the IcingaDB. The same applies to manage_redis
and the required Redis cache. With manage_feature
the Icinga 2 feature for the IcingaDB is additionally activated. The latter two are switched on by default.
The class supports:
- [puppet] >= 6.0 < 8.0
Ands requires:
- [puppetlabs/mysql] >= 6.0.0 =< 13.1.0
- [puppetlabs/postgresql] >= 7.0.0
- [icinga/icinga2] >= 2.0.0 < 4.0.0
To activate and configure the IDO feature (usally on a server) do:
class { 'icinga::ido':
db_type => 'pgsql',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_pass => Sensitive('icinga2'),
manage_database => true,
Setting manage_database
to true
also setups a database as specified in db_type
including database for the IDO. Supported are pgsql
for PostgreSQL und maysql
for MariaDB. By default the database name is set to icinga2
and the user to icinga2
The class supports:
- [puppet] >= 6.0 < 8.0
And requires:
- [puppetlabs/mysql] >= 6.0.0 =< 13.1.0
- [puppetlabs/postgresql] >= 7.0.0
- [puppetlabs/apache] >= 3.0.0
- [puppet/php] >= 8.0.0
- [icinga/icinga2] >= 2.0.0
- [icinga/icingaweb2] >= 2.0.0
A Icinga Web 2 with an Apache and PHP-FPM can be managed as follows:
class { 'icinga::web':
db_type => 'pgsql',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_pass => Sensitive('supersecret'),
manage_database => true,
api_pass => $icinga::server::web_api_pass,
Setting manage_database
to true
, a database of the specified type is also installed here. It is used to save user settings for the users of the Icinga Web 2 and serves as a backend for managing Icinga Web 2 users and user groups.
IMPORTANT: If you plan tu use icingacli as plugin, e.g. director health checks, businessprocess checks or vspheredb checks, set the parameter run_web => true
for icinga::server
on the same host icinga::web
is declared. That put the Icinga user to the group icingaweb2
and restart the icinga2 process if necessary.
If the Icinga Web 2 is operated on the same host as the IcingaDB, the required user credentials can be accessed, otherwise they must be specified explicitly.
class { 'icinga::web::icingadb':
db_type => $icinga::db::db_type,
db_host => $icinga::db::db_host,
db_name => $icinga::db::db_name,
db_user => $icinga::db::db_user,
db_pass => $icinga::db::db_pass,
IMPORTANT: Must be declared on the same host as icinga::web
If the Icinga Web 2 is operated on the same host as the IDO, the required user credentials can be accessed, otherwise they must be specified explicitly.
class { 'icinga::web::monitoring':
db_type => $icinga::ido::db_type,
db_host => $icinga::ido::db_host,
db_pass => $icinga::ido::db_pass,
IMPORTANT: Must be declareid on the same host as icinga::web
Install and manage the famous Icinga Director and the required database. A graphical addon to manage your monitoring environment, the hosts, services, notifications etc.
Here an example with an PostgreSQL database on the same host:
class { 'icinga::web::director':
db_type => 'pgsql',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_pass => Sensitive('supersecret'),
manage_database => true,
endpoint => $facts['networking']['fqdn'],
api_host => 'localhost',
api_pass => $icinga::server::director_api_pass,
In this example the Icinga server is running on the same Host like the web and the director.
The class supports:
- [puppet] >= 6.0 < 8.0
And required in addition to icinga::web
- [icinga/icingaweb2] >= 3.2.0
The following example sets up the vspheredb
Icinga Web 2 module and the required database. At this time only MySQL/MariaDB is support by the Icinga team, so this class also supports only mysql
class { 'icinga::web::vspheredb':
db_type => 'mysql',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_pass => Sensitive('vspheredb'),
manage_database => true,
The class supports:
- [puppet] >= 6.0 < 8.0
And required in addition to icinga::web::icingadb
or icinga::web::monitoring
- [icinga/icingaweb2] >= 3.7.0
An example to setup reporting and the required database:
class { 'icinga::web::reporting':
db_type => 'pqsql',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_pass => Sensitive('reporting'),
manage_database => true,
If icinga::web::monitoring is declared before, the required module idoreports for IDO is declared automatically.
This code is a very early release and may still be subject to significant changes.