
SimCoPilot is a benchmark for evaluating LLMs to perform as a "copilot"-style, interactive coding assistant, testing their ability to add and complete code in complex real-world software environments.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

SimCoPilot: Evaluating Models for Co-pilot-Style Code Generation

SimCoPilot is a benchmark with:

  • Purpose: Evaluate LLMs as interactive coding assistants in "copilot"-style.
  • Focus: Test AI's ability to integrate and complete code in complex software environments.

Figure 1: Workflow for each of the 1,163 programming tasks in SIMCOPILOT. 🤔Question: Can an AI tool correctly complete code snippets like method body, if-statements, or for-loops from real-world projects?

SimCoPilot Demo
SimCoPilot Demo

Why SimCoPilot?

  • Real-World Complexity: Tests AI on complex, real-project tasks, not just concise and standalone programs.
  • Real-Code Understanding: Focuses on AI's ability to work with actual code, without needing manually annotated problem descriptions to prompt for each task.
  • Fine-grained Results: Stratifies results according to metrics such as distance to the nearest referenced object, proximity to the nearest comment, and various programming constructs.

📊 Dataset

The data for this project can be found in the dataset/SimCoPilot.csv.zip file.

Hosting, Licensing, and Maintenance Plan.

  • Dataset and Metadata Access. The dataset and its associated metadata, documented using the Croissant metadata framework, can be viewed and downloaded at Huggingface Datasets:SimCoPilot. The data nutrition label can be found at Data Nutrition Label.
  • Licensing: The data is shared under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 and code is licensed under MIT License.
  • Maintenance Plan: We commit to maintaining the dataset with regular updates and revisions to correct any issues and integrate new contributions. Updates will be documented in the repository's release notes section.

🏆 LeaderBoard

Model Python Infill Python Completion Java Infill Java Completion HumEval MBPP
GPT 4 Turbo 68.3±4.6 55.6±6.6 74.9±5.0 61.5±5.6 86.6 73.3
Claude 3 Opus 48.4±5.0 24.0±5.8 73.4±5.1 68.1±5.3 77.4 73.3
LLaMA 3 70B 54.4±5.0 45.2±6.6 56.1±5.8 53.7±5.7 72.0 69.0
Claude 3 Sonnet 48.4±5.0 26.8±5.9 57.9±5.7 55.6±5.7 64.0 69.3
Claude 3 Haiku 34.5±4.7 27.3±5.9 31.1±5.3 48.9±5.7 68.9 68.8
GPT 3.5 Turbo 35.6±4.8 52.8±6.6 26.0±5.0 42.6±5.7 70.7 69.7
LLaMA 3 8B 27.7±4.4 31.5±6.2 23.6±4.8 26.9±5.1 56.7 59.3
DeepSeek 7B 11.2±3.1 45.3±6.6 5.6±2.7 41.9±5.7 71.3 62.2
DeepSeek 1.3B 8.1±2.7 12.2±4.3 5.6±2.7 16.0±4.2 60.4 54.8
Phi-3(4k) 3.8B 5.2±2.2 8.0±3.7 7.7±5.8 10.4±3.5 59.1 54.2

Note: To ensure consistency, the AI-for-code model's randomness is minimized, aiming for the most likely/preferred outcomes. All SIMCOPILOT benchmark results are reported with 95% confidence intervals.

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install necessary dependencies.
  3. Run the analysis on your target codebase by specifying the file path and dependency range parameters.

To install the Dependency Analyzer, clone this repository and run the setup script:

git clone https://github.com/mj33rice/SimCoPilot.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
OpenAI & Anthropic Models Setup 1. Install the necessary Python packages:
pip install anthropic
  1. Open your terminal and type the following command:
nano ~/.bash_profile 

If you’re using a newer version of macOS, you might need to use ~/.zshrc instead: (or nano ~/.zshrc if you’re using a newer version of macOS)

nano ~/.zshrc
  1. Add the following line to the file, replacing your-api-key-here with your actual API key:
 export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY='your-api-key-here' 

If you're using OpenAI, use this line instead:

 export OPENAI_API_KEY='your-api-key-here'
  1. Save the file and exit the editor (press Ctrl+O, then Enter, then Ctrl+X)
  2. Load the updated profile by running:
source ~/.bash_profile (or source ~/.zshrc)

🏃How to Run

Code Generation

The commands below enable code generation model execution on Java and Python files for both closed-source and open-source models. Specify source code paths, test cases, the model, and the code generation mode as follows:

Closed Source Models

python close_source_model_gen.py <source_code_path> <test_cases_path> --gen_model <model_name> --code_gen_mode <mode>
  • source_code_path: Path to the Python or Java source code file.
  • test_cases_path: Path to the JSON test cases file.
  • --gen_model: Close source model for code generation, e.g.gpt-4-turbo, claude-3-opus-20240229.
  • --code_gen_mode: Specifies the code generation task type:
    • with_afterlines: For infilling tasks with context before and after the target code.
    • no_afterlines: For completion tasks, generating code to finish a block without subsequent context.

Open Source Models

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$gpu_id python -m open_source_model_gen.open_source_code_gen <source_code_path> <test_cases_path> --gen_model <model_name> --code_gen_mode <mode>
  • $gpu_id: Specifies the ID of the GPU to use for the code generation.
  • --gen_model: Close source model for code generation, e.g.deepseek-coder-1.3b-instruct.
Example Command

Code generation script with specific parameters, you can use the following command: This command specifies the use of the gpt-4-turbomodels for code generation with the mode set to with_afterlines indicating that the generation should consider both the preceding and following context.

#Close Source Models
python close_source_model_gen.py \
./example_code/Python/simplex_method/simplex_method.py \
./example_code/Python/simplex_method/simplex_method.json \
--read_dependency_results --update_def_line \
--gen_model gpt-4-turbo \
--code_gen_mode with_afterlines

This command specifies the use of the deepseek-coder-1.3b-instruct models for code generation with the mode set to no_afterlines, indicating that the generation should only consider both the preceding context.

#Open Source Models
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m open_source_model_gen.open_source_code_gen \
./example_code/Java/COMP215/A0/Test/FactorizationTester.java \
./example_code/Java/COMP215/A0/Test/FactorizationTester.json \
--read_dependency_results --update_def_line \
--gen_model deepseek-coder-1.3b-instruct \
--code_gen_mode no_afterlines
Run from the Script
#For Python tasks
chmod +x run_python_paral.sh

#For Java tasks
chmod +x run_java_paral.sh

🛠 Post Processing

python -m helper_functions.update_post_process_and_eval ./PATH/to/result_folder

Example of Post-Processing

For detailed examples of code Post-Processing, please refer to the figure below:

Figure 2: Example infill task from SIMCOPILOTP and step-by-step post-processing demonstration.

Figure 2: Example infill task from SimCoPilotP and step-by-step post-processing demonstration.

Figure 3: Example infill task from SIMCOPILOTP and step-by-step post-processing demonstration.

Figure 3: Example completion task from SimCoPilotJ and step-by-step post-processing demonstration

🔍 Stratified Evaluation

Detailed results comparing the test case pass ratios of various LLMs:

  • Categorized by models and different programming constructs: code
Python Infill & Completion
Python Infill & Completion
Java Infill & Completion
Java Infill & Completion

Pass Rates by Program Constructs

  • Categorized by distance to the nearest referenced object: code

Pass Rates by Distance to Referenced Object
Pass Rates by Distance to Referenced Object

  • Categorized by proximity to the nearest comments: code

Pass Rates by Distance to Closest Comment
Pass Rates by Distance to Closest Comment

  • Error Analysis

Error Analysis
Cumulative Output by Category

  • Model Size vs. Error Rates: Larger or more sophisticated models generally have fewer errors but don't consistently show lower error rates across all categories.
  • Common Errors: Compilation and syntax errors are prevalent across most LLMs, indicating challenges in understanding code structure or syntax in code generation tasks.

These observations highlight that while model size often correlates with performance, specific error types reveal unique strengths and weaknesses in each model's understanding of code structure and syntax.

📧 Contact Us

For any inquiries or further information, please feel free to reach out to us at mj33@rice.edu.


The data is shared under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 and code is licensed under MIT License.