Package Installer Exercise


You suddenly have a curious aspiration to create a package installer that can handle dependencies. You want to be able to give the installer a list of packages with dependencies, and have it install the packages in order such that an install won’t fail due to a missing dependency. This exercise is to write the code that will determine the order of install.


  • Please complete the exercise in either C#, Javascript, Java or Scala.
  • Please use Test Driven Development (TDD) and include your tests.
  • Please submit your code in a git repo (zipped and emailed, not on github) where you have committed throughout the process so that
  • we can see your progress as you code the solution.
  • The function should accept an array of strings defining packages and their dependencies. Each string contains the name of a package
  • followed by a colon and space then any dependencies required by that package. For simplicity we’ll assume that a package can have
  • at most one dependency.
  • The function should reject as invalid a dependency specification that contains cycles.
  • The function should output a comma separated string of package names in the order of install, such that a package’s dependency will
  • always precede that package.



The input:

[ "KittenService: CamelCaser", "CamelCaser: " ]

represents two packages, KittenService and CamelCaser, where KittenService depends on CamelCaser. In this case the output should be:

"CamelCaser, KittenService"

The output indicates that CamelCaser needs to be installed before KittenService.

Installation and Use

npm install
npm run test