
Territory management for our congregation

Primary LanguageRuby


Simple app for managing the congregation territories.

Build Status Maintainability Coverage Status

How to run/install the app:

After installing the ruby version displayed in this file. Also install nodejs and yarn.

# first time
gem install bundler
mkdir ~/Projects
cd projects
git clone https://github.com/mjacobus/territory.git
cd territory
bundle install # after you installed ruby version
cp .env.sample .env

yarn install

# every time you update your project

cd ~/Projects/territory
docker-compose up     # start docker. Make sure your local postgress is not running
bundle install
./bin/rake db:create  # create database
./bin/rake db:migrate # create tables
./bin/rake db:seed    # create fake data for the database

./bin/rails server    # to stop the server hit <ctrl>+C

Running tests

RAILS_ENV=test ./bin/rake db:create  # create test database
RAILS_ENV=test ./bin/rake db:migrate # create test tables

Fixing files style after changing

bundle exec rubocop -a

Installing OS dependencies


Restoring a backup

Download a backup from the above link and then:

pg_restore -U pguser -W --no-owner --no-privileges -h localhost -d territory_manager_development -1 tmp/bkp/jw-territory-backup-21-01-14