
Multiplayer game (LAN/INTERNET) made with Unreal Engine 4

MIT LicenseMIT


Moved project to GitLab: https://gitlab.com/mjaglarz/MultiplayerGame

Multiplayer game (LAN/INTERNET) made with Unreal Engine v4.27.2

Project based on Blueprint Multiplayer | v4.11 | Unreal Engine series from Unreal Engine channel on YouTube. Added Advanced Sessions Plugin support (https://github.com/mordentral/AdvancedSessionsPlugin). Replaced casting with blueprint interfaces, improved UI/UX and added more Steam features.




Gra multiplayer (LAN/INTERNET) na silniku Unreal Engine v4.27.2

Projekt bazuje na serii Blueprint Multiplayer | v4.11 | Unreal Engine z kanału Unreal Engine na Youtube. Dodano wspracie dla pluginu Advanced Sessions (https://github.com/mordentral/AdvancedSessionsPlugin). Zastąpiono castowanie blueprint interfejsami, ulepszono UI/UX i dodano więcej funkcji ze Steama.