
My personal emacs settings - forked from jamesthompson/.emacs.d

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Emacs settings

Settings forked from magnars/.emacs.d


Ensure to toast your .emacs file if you have one. Also delete anything inside your .emacs.d.

To grab all the dependencies:

git clone --recursive git://github.com:mjamesruggiero/.emacs.d.git

The first time you start emacs, it will install some additional packages that are best handled by the package manager.

Install emacs on mac

brew install emacs

I removed the stock emacs version from Mac OS X 10.9 in /usr/bin

I manually installed Emacs cocoa binary into /Applications.


  • Meta key is bound to command on a Mac.

  • Key bindings are listed in settings/key-bindings.el

  • You quit emacs with C-x r q, mnemonic Really Quit.

  • Find file in project with C-x o, in dir with C-x C-f, recent with C-x f

  • Help is bound to F1. C-h is rebound to backspace, like in the shell.

  • Autocomplete with C-. (autocomplete entire lines with C-:)

  • Expand-region is bound to C-'

  • Undo with C-_ or C-/ and redo with M-_. Watch the undo-tree with C-x u

  • Quickly jump anywhere in the buffer with M-g then the starting letter of a word. Press the letter highlighted to go there.

  • Indent and clean up white space in the entire buffer with C-c n


  • C Shorthand for the ctrl-key
  • M Shorthand for the meta-key (bound to cmd on my mac settings)
  • S Shorthand for the shift-key


  • C-x C-f Open a file. Starts in the current directory
  • C-x f Open a recently visited file
  • C-x o Open a file in the current project (based on .git ++)
  • C-x C-s Save this file
  • C-x C-w Save as ...
  • C-x C-j Jump to this files' current directory
  • C-x b Switch to another open file (buffer)
  • C-x C-b List all open files (buffers)

Cut copy and paste

  • C-space Start marking stuff. C-g to cancel. Navigate however you desire to expand the region, you don't have to press anything to close it.
  • C-w Cut (aka kill)
  • C-k Cut till end of line
  • M-w Copy
  • C-y Paste (aka yank)
  • M-y Cycle last paste through previous kills
  • C-x C-y Choose what to paste from previous kills


  • C-g Quit out of whatever mess you've gotten yourself into
  • M-x Run a command by name
  • C-. Autocomplete
  • C-_ Undo
  • M-_ Redo
  • C-x u Show the undo-tree
  • C-x m Open magit. It's a magical git interface for emacs


  • C-arrow Move past words/paragraphs
  • C-a Go to start of line
  • C-e Go to end of line
  • M-g M-g Go to line number
  • C-x C-i Go to symbol
  • C-s Search forward. Press C-s again to go further.
  • C-r Search backward. Press C-r again to go further.

Window management

  • C-x 0 Close this window
  • C-x 1 Close other windows
  • C-x 2 Split window horizontally
  • C-x 3 Split window vertically
  • S-arrow Jump to window to the left/right/up/down


  • F1 t Basic tutorial
  • F1 k Help for a keybinding
  • F1 r Emacs' extensive documentation

Magit (Git wrapper)

  • C-x m. s to stage, c to commit. C-c C-c to finish commit msg buffer.