Here you can find basic project sources and example issues which can be used as a basic introduction to the git workflow using simple react app.
In the github "Issues" tab you can find example issues that should be resolved by new developer during introduction workflow. This issues will allow new developers to become more familiar with whole git/github worklow and also with basic technologies such as Grunt.js and React.js in this case.
Whole environment is configured by using Grunt.js and next sections contains all setup instructions and some other usefull tips.
Links below contains all the necessary informations about technologies used in this sample project, and reading them is recommended before starting introduction.
React.js docs and short tutorial:
Short git tutorial:
Grunt.js docs:
First step:
git clone --recursive
cd git-react-introduction
Clones repository to the local folder
An then performs all further steps in the project root.
npm install
Installs all nodejs packages required by grunt to work properly.
npm run bower_install
Installs all javascript libraries using bower (installed previously with npm install).
npm run dev
This starts virtual server with detecting changes, automatic files compiling, and live reloading.
When starting to work on specific issue, developer should create separate branch from master, and give that branch name containing issue nunmber and short description of the issue eg.
git checkout -b issue123-implement-search-box
While developing features, developer should rebase with the master branch at least once at the beggining of the day. It can be done by running these commands:
git fetch --all
To check whether new changes were made to the master.
Then checkout to master if there are new changes.
git pull --rebase
To pull recent changes from remote branch
Checkout to the feature branch again and rebase:
git rebase master
To rebase feature branch with master
git add some_files
git rebase --continue
To solve conflicts and proceed with rebase
Before pushing any changes to the remote repository or at least before making Pull Request:
npm run test
This command runs jshint to check javascript code quality.
When the feature is done and all changes are pushed to the feature remote branch, developer can make a Pull Request for Code Review and later to merge to the master branch.
Pull Request should always contain these informations:
- issue number and link to the issue on issues tracker(Jira, Pivotal, Redmine etc.) if used
- short description of about what this PR is,
- list of additional acctions anyone needs to perform after merge, if they necessary of course. In most cases it won't be needed