
Jquery plugin that guards your forms Allows to validate single fieldsets and whole form. As simple, as it could be.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Jquery plugin that guards your forms.

  • As simple and fast as it could be.
  • Allows you to validate single fields, custom sections of form (i.e.fieldsets) and whole form.
  • Multiform validation
  • Provides public methods, to check validation inside your own code.
  • Behaves well with form nodes styling scripts.
  • Allows you to pass custom error messages and validation rules.


Download and wire the plugin:

bower install --save-dev jquery-guard

Make a plugin instance:

var guard = $(formSelector).guard(options, errors, rules);

for example:

var guard = $(#form).guard({sections:'fieldset', onSubmit: function(e){this.submit;}}, errors, rules);

Guard chosen fields with a rules using data-guard="rulename":

<input type="text" data-guard="required">

Suppose that you have a long form with 4 steps / parts / sections. Suppose you want to validate a section, before loading the next one. Just use the check public method:

$('.goToNextSection').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if (guard.check($(this).parents('fieldset').index()) $.get('step2.html'); });


You can pass in custom or translated error messages. Simply pass in an object structures as the on in file `src/lang/pl.js'


  • parentClass : string || default : form-group || class of the parent containing the field, the element will get the guard-invalid class and an error node appened
  • sections : string or false || default : false || if the form contains sections, that needs to be validated separatly (i.e. form steps) then pass the DOM selector
  • live : boolean || default : true || whether the form should validate on go or during the submit event
  • callbacks (see below)


  • required
  • number
  • email
  • maxLength{x}
  • minLength{x}
  • minValue{x}
  • maxValue{x}

You can also pass in custom rules. See src/lang/pl.js for an example.

Public Methods

  • check(form, section) : the form is a jquery selector and the section is an int and represents the section index number : returns boolean || check if the section is valid (there are no invalid fields). If the section argument is empty, then it will check the whole form.
  • validate(field) : the field is a DOM selector : return boolean || check if the particular field is valid


Every callback function has the form set as this value and event passed to it as an argument.

  • onSubmit(e) : called during submit event, if the form is valid. If not specified, the form will normally submit.



To Do

  • Mocha Tests